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Type: Cruiser 
Commissioned: 2372
Crew: 375
Mass: 800,000 tons 

Dimensions: Length: 340 m
Beam: 276 m
Height: 60 m
Decks: 15 exculuding nacelles
Height: 238 m (max wingheight)
Width: 555 m (max wingspan)

Strength Indices: Galaxy Class = 1,000  
  Beam Firepower:  285 
Torpedo Firepower: 320
Weapon Range and Accuracy: 370
Shield Strenght: 325
Hull Armour: 700
Speed: 794
Combat Manoeuvability: 2,800

Overall Strength Index: 385 
Expected Hull Life: 50 years

Refit Cycle: Major refit: 2378
Minor:  1 year 
Standard: 5 years
Major: 10 years
The I.K.S. To'wo'd has had one major refit. Hull damages where where repaired.  The computers where changed to LCARS. Shields where upgraded. The cloaking divice was also updated from a mk 3.0 to mk 3.3.

Speed Miles Per
X speed
of light
Earth to moon
250,000 miles
Across one sector
20 light years
To nearby Galaxy
2,000,000 light years
5.000 0.00001 42 hours 2.000.000 years 223.33 Billion years
full impulse 167 million 0.25 5,38 seconds 80 years 8.000.000 years
warp 1 670 million  1 1,34 seconds 20 years 2.000.000 years
warp 2 7 billion 10 0,13 seconds 3 years 198,425 years
warp 3 25 billion 39 0,03 seconds 1 year 51,360 years
warp 4 68 billion 102 0,0133 seconds 2 months 19,686 years
warp 5 143 billion 214 0,00629 seconds 1 month 9,357 years
warp 6 263 billion 392 0,00343 seconds 19 days 5,096 years
warp 7 439 billion 656 0,00205 seconds 11 days 3,048 years
warp 8 686 billion 1.025 0,00131 seconds 7 days 1,953 years
warp 9 1,02 trillion 1.516 0,000886 seconds 5 days 1,319 years
warp 10 infinite infinite 0 0 0
 Note: warp 10 is meaningless -- a starship traveling at warp 10 would occupy all points in the universe simultaneously.

Warp Speeds TNG Scale   I.K.S. To'wo'd
Normal Cruise: Warp Factor 6
Maximum Cruise: Warp Factor 7.8
Maximum Rated: Wap Factor 9.8 for 14 hours

Shield System, total capacity
877,500 TeraJoules
1 cm of ablative / neutron amour
Standard level structural integrity field

Ablative armor:
                Hull armor employed for the most recent Starfleet vessels such as the Defiant
                    class and the U.S.S. Prometheus. Ablative armor is an additional reactive plating
                    imposing a counterforce to incoming weapon fire.
                    The armor evaporates when hit with an energy weapon like a Phaser, taking some
                    of the energy from the weapon with it in space as it evaporates.

Energy and propulsion systems
Primary energy source: MARA warpcore
Secondary energy source: Fusion reactors
Impulse systems:
Power: fustion
Engines: 2

Computer systems
Crew interface: LCARS

Exterior Diagram of the K'vort

Because of the movable wings design the K'vort class can land and take off of a planets surface.

Top View K'vort class Klingon Bird of Prey

Cloaking device technology

                A cloaking device is an energy screen generator used to render an object
                    (typically, a space vehicle) invisible to the eye and to most sensor systems.
                    This is accomplished by gravitational lensing, the creation of a distorted image
                    of an object when it's light is focused by gravity. In the case of a cloaking
                    device, the light is focused so that the object's index of refraction (the phase
                    velocity of radiation in free space divided by the phase velocity of the same
                    radiation in a specified medium) matches its surroundings, making the object
                    transparent. Cloaking a ship requires precisely balancing the radiative
                    emissions from the warp drive nacelles, dissipating all electromagnetic
                    radiation, gravitational fields and other energy emissions emanating from the
                    ship, and distorting space in such a way that electromagnetic radiation and
                    energy emissions are directed around the ship through subspace at velocities
                    faster than light.

The nullifier cores dissipate all electromagnetic

                                         radiation and other energy emissions produced by
                                         the ship and it's crew. This is done by remodulating
                                         the energy signiture to have the appearence of
                                         background energy, as well as reducing the
                                         apparent output. The amount of energy required by
                                         the nullifier cores to mask a certain amount of
                                         energy is not directly proportional to the amount of
                                         energy to be masked.

    A simplified schematic of a cloaking generator coil.

A - subspace field distortion amplifiers
B - graviton polarity source generators
C - subspace field generator coils
D - plasma buffer
E - plasma coils

A typical gravity generator on a Galaxy-Class starship, similar to the graviton
   polarity source generators in a cloaking generator coil.

                The cloaking generator coils are controlled by special purpose, or dedicated,
                    computers designed to perform this specific task. They are extremely fast
                    computers that contain a complex arrays of processors each designed to
                    perform a specific function. These computers must handle huge databases,
                    and perform complex mathematical operations in order to provide an accurate
                energy dispersal pattern. Input data is provided for the computers by a network
                    of refractometers placed on the hull of the ship. The more refractometers
                    placed on the hull of the ship, the more effective the energy dispersal pattern.
                    The only limiting factor is the speed of the computers, which must provide a
                    realtime energy dispersal pattern to effectively cloak the ship. These computer
                    are completely seperate from the computers that perform other ship functions,
                    because they are limited to the specific function built into them. These
                    computers are only required on fine tuned cloaking devices, Mk 3.2 and

                    In addition to the production of gravitational waves, cloaking devices have
                    several other significant disadvantages. The greatest disadvantage is the
                    tremendous amount of energy required to maintain all of the parts of the
                    cloaking device.

                    If a ship had the ability to generate enough energy to to maintain the cloaking
                    device as well as defensive shields, the nullifier cores could neither mask all of
                    the erergy required to accomplish this, nor the interference created by
                    defensive shields. In addition, the spatial distortions created by defensive
                    shields would mean that the shield itself would have to exist within the cloaking
                    field, and the larger the cloaking field is, the more energy is required to
                    generate it. These reasons completely eliminate the possibility of using
                    defensive shields.

                    When a starship's cloaking device is active, several ship's systems operate
                    under special protocols to minimize the interference of the cloaking device.

Mk 3.3 Cloak: This latest version allowed powering down of all non-finely tuned
                    cloaks instantly. It is only fitted, as far as is known, to Romulan Warbirds.
                    With special permission the I.K.S. To'wo'd was alowed to install the 3.3.
                    Being honored to be one of the first Klingon's Bird of Prey (K'vort class) to
                    have this technology.


This page created by Lt. Kat d'Ark