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Probably the most famous of all edged weapons, the first bat'leth is said to have
been forged when Khaless the Unforgettable dropped a lock of his hair into the
Kri'stak volcano and then plunged the burning hair into the Lursor lake and
twisted it into a blade. Khaless used the weapon to defeat the tyrant Molor
before naming it bat'leth, or "sword of honour". The Sword of Khaless was for
many centuries one of the Klingons most important relics, but it was stolen about
1,000 years ago by the Hur'q invaders. Many attempts have been made to find
the sword since this time, including a mission led by the Dahar master Kor in
2372, but all failed.

The Modern bat'leth is a simpler and less ornate weapon than the original. The
weapon vaguely resembles a double-ended scimitar, with three handholds built
into the back edge of the main blade and an additional pair of points inside the
main ones. The weapon is usually held along the inside of the arm, and a whole
form of martial art has been developed around this weapon. Size and mass vary
according to the preference of the user, but a typical warriors fit is 116
centimetres long with a mass of 5.3 kilograms. The bat'leth is composed of

Although far less famous than the bat'leth, the smaller size of the Mekleth makes it
a more effective weapon at closer ranges and in the right hands it is more than
capable of holding its own. The mek'leth is also more easily concealed. The
weapon is relatively uncommon even amongst Klingons.

D'k Tahg:
The d'k tahg is a vicious three bladed knife carried by almost every Klingon. It is
commonly used in hand to hand combat, but more importantly it is of great
ceremonial value to the Klingons. To a Klingon warrior the d'k tahg is a
representation of his or her personal honour - to take the knife from a warrior is
to steal their honour, and is a terrible insult. The d'k tahg features in many Klingon


The phaser is the standard Federation beam weapon system. This type of
weapon came into common use c.2255, replacing the laser weapons then in
service. Phaser is an acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification, a term which
referred to the original process by which stored or supplied energy was
converted to another form for release toward the target without any need for an
intermediate energy transformation. Although this term is something of a holdover,
it remains true in modern phaser systems.

Phaser energy is released by the rapid nadion effect. Rapid nadions are short
lived subatomic particles which can liberate and transfer strong nuclear forces
within a class of crystals called fushigi-no-umi.

Phasers have three distinct effects on the target. At low power settings - setting 1
to 3 on a hand phaser - the impact of phaser energy is almost wholly limited to
simple electromagnetic and mild thermal effects. These are concentrated on the
nervous system of the target, causing pain and/or unconsciousness in most beings.
At higher levels the thermal effect becomes prevalent, and the phaser will begin to
cause physical damage to the target resulting in moderate or severe injuries. By
the time the power level is at setting 7 the energy is distributed equally between
thermal and nuclear disruption energy. Disruption effects become widespread,
resulting in immediate death to most Humanoid life forms.

At levels higher than 7 the majority of phaser energy is in the form of nuclear
disruption. A large portion of the target is simultaneously vaporized and
transitioned out of the continuum, a process which is instantly fatal. The higher
power settings available with Type 3 phasers (setting 9+) cause severe damage
over a wide area. These settings are rarely used because of the relatively high
power consumption; a single setting 10 discharge uses more than twenty five
times as much energy as a setting 7 discharge, while a setting 16 discharge uses
over three hundred and fifteen times as much.

Starfleet has used many models of phaser over the years, but all fall into distinct

Most smaller phaser weapons are deployed in single emitters, also known as a
'phaser bank'. Larger and more modern weapons group many emitters into linear
arrays. These use force coupling to allow the energy of one emitter to be
transferred almost instantly to another - a process which can be repeated along
arrays of almost limitless size.

Type I:
This is a small hand unit, approximately the size of a pack of cards. They can fire
up to Setting 8, which causes total vaporization of humanoids as 50% of affected
matter transitions out of the continuum.

Type II:
This is a larger hand unit. Early models of the type 2 phaser used a type 1 phaser
clipped into a pistol grip, but modern weapons seem to have little in common with
the smaller model. The modern type 2 phaser can fire up to setting 16, which
causes the destruction of some 3,900 metric tons of rock per 0.28 second

Type III:
The type 3 is a rifle version of the type 2 phaser. It uses a nearly identical
"business end" as the type 2, and is also capable of firing to setting 16. The
advantages of the type 2 are a 50% greater energy reserve, a multiple target
acquisition system and a gyrostabilizer system. Recently the standard type 3
phaser rifle has apparently received the same advanced targeting system as the
Heavy phaser rifle.

        Compression Phaser Rifle : When the Dominion threat became urgent in late
2370, Starfleet decided to issue its forces with a new class of heavy rifles to
increase the firepower available to them. The Modern Phaser Rifle project would
evaluate two competing designs, the Heavy phaser rifle and the Compression
phaser rifle. Both would be rushed into service as fast as possible.

The Compression rifle concentrated on simplicity. The LiCu 521 discharge crystal
was doped with arsenic atoms and trisilinate molecules in order to restrict the
phaser energy discharge. The doping materials diverted a small part of the
discharging energy to re-establish the charge barrier between the discharge
crystal and the Sarium kelleride power crystal, limiting or compressing the beam
to a maximum of 200 picoseconds of firing. This would fire the entire energy
discharge in a beam of only 6 centimetres length, greatly increasing the intensity of
the energy and so enhancing the effect on the target.

Although it was by far the simpler of the two weapons, great difficulties were
encountered during the development of the compression rifle. Most of these
centred around thermal damage to the discharge crystal resulting from the very
high energy intensities flowing through it. Average firing lifetime of an emitter
crystal in the first model developed was only 9.6 nanoseconds - 48 discharges - a
far from acceptable figure. Redesign of the shape of the emitter boosted this
figure to 28 nanoseconds, still not sufficient for a field weapon. The solution
arrived at was to install two high capacity cooling systems, one mounted on either
side of the rifle. This boosted the emitter crystals lifetime to 600 nanoseconds, or
3,000 discharges. Starfleet deemed this just about acceptable and rushed the
compression rifle into limited service.

The weapon was never satisfactory - although the cooling systems worked
reasonably well they made the weapon heavy and difficult to use properly at long
ranges. The emitter crystal was also rather sensitive to adverse environmental
conditions, and if not treated carefully cracking could occur - a breakdown which
would lead to a thermal explosion on the next discharge. Although it was issued
to some ground forces units and to the four units of the Intrepid class Starship
then in service, several thermal explosion accidents forced Starfleet to withdraw
the compression rifle shortly after it entered service in 2371. None now remain in

        Heavy Phaser Rifle : The heavy phaser rifle was to be a much larger, more
sophisticated weapon than its compression rifle rival. It is capable of firing phaser
energy in either beams or pulses of variable length. Rather than tamper with the
materials in the discharge crystal, the design team built a small isolinear artificial
intelligence unit into the rifle which had complete control of the energy discharge.
This approach met with considerable success in a testing program that was
surprisingly free of difficulties. The use of a computer control system also allows
the beam characteristics to be modified much more easily than in previous phaser
rifles, a measure clearly important when dealing with the Borg.

The heavy rifle also includes a much more effective and elaborate targeting
system, a more powerful gyrostabilizer, and a larger energy reserve. The rifle can
fire to a maximum of Setting 18. The targeting unit is now being retro-fitted into
earlier models of phaser rifle. The first model of heavy phaser rifle had a duranium
alloy metal stiffening to the barrel, but in service this has proved to be
unnecessary and a subsequent model was issued without this feature.

Type IV:
The type 4 phaser is a medium sized device fitted to small vehicles such as

Type V:
As of 2364 this was the heaviest weapon in use aboard Federation vessels,
comprising the main armament of the Galaxy class starship.

Type XII:
Previously designated as the 'Type 10+' for security reasons, the Type 12 phaser
has been used in dedicated planetary defence arrays and as the main armament of
heavy fortified starbases since 2263. It was considered that the Type 12 was
unsuitable for use on a starship platform because the energy requirements of the
array where too high and the supporting hardware too bulky. However, by 2268
the power plant of the Sovereign class had grown large enough to support Type
12 arrays in place of the planned Type 10 models; technical improvements had
also allowed for considerable shrinkage in the size of the equipment. The main
phaser armament of the new Sovereign class starship therefore comprises Type
12 phaser arrays as does the armament of the Prometheus class currently under
development. These are the most powerful phaser weapons currently in use by
the Federation.



Armament: 4 x mark 10 pulse disrupter cannon
6 x Mark 8 disrupter cannon, total output 14,250
2 x Photon torpedo tubes + 385 torpedoes
4 x Single shot emergency photon torpedo

2 x mark 10 pulse disrupter on right wing
2 x mark 10 pulse disrupter on left wing
6 x mark 8 disrupter cannon foreward firing;
               3 x mark 8 disrupter cannon pulse firing
               3 x mark 8 disrupter cannon beam firing
1 x Photon Torpedo tube aftward firing
1 x Photon Torpedo tube foreward firing
2 x single shot emergency photon torpedo aftward firing
2 x single shot emergency photon torpedo foreward firing

The I.K.S. To'wo'd  is lucky that as part of it's defence systems it has  a mk 3.3 cloaking device.

 Defence Systems:

                      Shield system, total capacity 877,500 TeraJoules
                    1 cm of ablative / neutron amour
                      Standard level structural integrity field.

Weapon systems:

Primary weapons: Disruptors
Secondary weapons: Photon torpedeos
Defensive systems: Shields / Cloaking device

Disrupter  cannon:
Can fire sustained beams or pulses depending on the exact configuration of the hardware

Photon torpedo:
The Photon Torpedo is a powerful, long range weapon which has been in use
aboard Federation Starships for over one hundred and fifty years - early models
differed from today's weapon only in the level of sophistication and the power of
the warhead. Today the weapon most widely used by Starfleet vessels is the
Type 6. This weapon comprises an elongated elliptical body some 210 cm long
and 76 x 45 cm across. The torpedo masses 247.5 kilos when not loaded.

The warhead of the photon torpedo comprises a maximum of 1.5 kilos of
antimatter and 1.5 kilos of matter. These are divided into many thousands of small
pellets suspended in a magnetic field - smaller yields can be achieved by reducing
the number of such pellets in the torpedo.

Also included in the torpedo are target acquisition, guidance and detonation
assemblies and a warp sustainer unit. The latter is charged by the launching
vessels own drive field at launch, boosting the torpedo speed up to Vmax = Vl +
(0.75 Vl / c), where Vl is the velocity of the launching vessel. If launched at low
impulse flight the torpedo will accelerate to a 75% higher sublight velocity; launch
at high impulse speed will not push the torpedo into warp. If launched during
warp flight the torpedo will continue at warp until the sustainer is exhausted.
Torpedo range can be extended by utilizing the matter / antimatter warhead to
power the sustainer, although this causes a corresponding loss of warhead yield.
For a mid-range yield the torpedo can achieve ranges of some 3,500,000
kilometres at sublight speeds.

The photon torpedo can be set to fly a ballistic trajectory, be steered by the
launch vessel, can home in via its own guidance systems, or use a combination of
these methods in a single flight.

The warhead of a photon torpedo can be removed and replaced by sensor
packages or other equipment. Some advanced models are fitted with full warp
drives for use as long range high speed probes - the Class VIII probe can cover
1.12 light years at Warp 9, while the Class IX probe can cover 2 light years at
the same speed. On one occasion such a device was used to transport a
Federation diplomat to an urgent rendezvous.

There are currently eight major photon torpedo launch systems in use with the
Federation :

Torpedo tube (2nd class) : Dating from the late 2200's, this model is now only in
service on the Excelsior, Miranda, Centaur, Oberth, and Constellation classes.
This tube is capable of firing one photon torpedo approximately every four

Standard Torpedo Tube : A modern version of the 2nd class torpedo tube, this
model can fire a torpedo every two seconds. It is more compact than the older
model, has lower maintenance requirements, and is less prone to overheating with
prolonged use.

Burst Fire, Type 1 : One of the most important advances in torpedo tube
technology, the burst fire tube allows more than one torpedo to be launched
simultaneously. The Type 1 model can load and fire a cluster of four photons
every 2.85 seconds; although this makes the tube almost three times as bulky as a
standard tube, it allows many targets to be engaged simultaneously. The Type 1 is
fitted to the Ambassador class as well as various starbases and space stations.

Burst Fire, Type 2 : Designed for larger vessels, the type 2 burst fire torpedo tube
can fire up to eight photons every five seconds, giving a greater overall rate of fire
and increasing the number of targets which can be engaged simultaneously.

Burst Fire, Type 3 : Developed to arm the Galaxy and Nebula classes, this tube
can fire up to ten torpedoes every five seconds - a 25% increase over the type 3
- or alternately can fire single rounds at a high rate of fire.

Burst Fire, Type 4 : The type 4 is the most powerful photon torpedo tube
currently in service with the Federation. It can fire a burst of twelve torpedoes
every five seconds, and currently is only fitted to the Sovereign class battlecruiser.

Pulse Fire : Developed for the Akira class, the Pulse fire tube is a modification of
the burst fire tube. The loading and pre-fire stages can hold up to four photons
simultaneously, but the launch tube itself is only of sufficient size to fire one
weapon at a time. The pulse fire tube therefore fires four rounds in one second,
then pauses for three seconds to reload with the next four photons. Overall rate
of fire is therefore one torpedo per second.

Micro tube : This system was developed to arm small vessels such as Runabouts
and shuttlecraft. It fires a compact torpedo with a much smaller warhead than the
standard models.

This page was created by Lt. Kat d'Ark