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from February 17, 2002

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[Chavez] [Freedom]

WOD Gaming Notes for 02/17/2002



Sammi and Chavez received a call back from Freedom stating that he could not get a hold of Adam.  Sammi and Chavez decided to fly to New York in their private jet to investigate the situation.  Before leaving St. Louis, Chavez made a call to ISPY at WIS to track Caitlyn and her whereabouts.

Sammi and Chavez arrived in New York and went to visit Jess Windwalker to checkup on her and the kids.  Maggie was already back from his trip to McDonald's with Caitlyn.  Maggie was ok, as were Jess and Anna.  

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Freedom tried contacting Adam, but was unable to reach him.  Freedom returned Sammi's call to find out that he and Chavez had decided to fly to New York in their private jet to check on Jess and the kids and to find the whereabouts of Caitlyn.  Freedom quickly decided to book a flight back to New York to also check on Jess and the kids.  Unfortunately, due to extremely bad weather, Freedom was unable to get a quick flight out and was delayed at the airport.


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