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History as it has gone since the second coming:

Book II Chapter I

The party as beings from many asundry and varied worlds were torn from their homes and placed onto a single planet by what was at the time known as the storm, a by-product of the world's deity's demise.

The party brought an end to the storm in hopes of being returned home and in the process met a man who claimed to be the creator of the god who had died. This new man noted that in return for the parties help in stopping the storm he would return them to their home worlds using his power or if they wished would give them means to travel back and fourth from their homes and the world they had been torn to. 

Book II Chapter II

This plan was interrupted first by a race which had traveled to the world much like the party had but during a time much longer ago. This race was known as the cid and was soon dealt with along with their plot to take control of the planet under cover of the storm's residual chaos. 

Book II Chapter III

Once the cids had been dealt with a second threat came to bear, an angelic being who had assisted the party during their confrontations with the cids. It was revealed that this being hailed much as the cids did from a place called the Compendium, a place and force that bends worlds onto each other and joins them together. It was also revealed that the angel had once assisted the world's original god in putting down an earlier cid uprising which had occurred several years earlier. The angel, named DL, soon came to the party with a speech speaking of judgment and the apocalypse, with it given he then attacked only to be met by the world's military which he cleaved through like stale bread. Once the world's military was out of the way the party was forced into combat attempting to protect the world and themselves. They fought long and hard and suffered many casualties but finally reined victorious over the angel, slaying him.

Celebrations were started but proved short lived as the fallen angel raised from his grave and finished his tasks on the world by obliterating it via a single slash of his scythe and the unleashing of a dark energy which soon consumed all life on the small planet.
The party now finds themselves in the hell of a foreign realm and under the watch of both their killer and a cruel god following a twisted morality, what will become of them?