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Compendium message board and chat rules:


All players will act respectfully and with courtesy to one another.

No player will make the play environment unpleasant in any way.

You will give all players involved with a post reasonable time to respond.

Do not change the title of a thread you did not start.

Do not curse or make reference to detailed sexual material. Passing references to sex and sexuality are allowed.

If you find fault with another player please do not involve the board, either speak to the player through PM or contact a board moderator.

Do not discuss strategies out of character.

A player’s property consists of anything he injects into the game.

Do not alter the property of another player without his permission.

Do not state actions or reactions for the property of another player especially not characters or abilities.

If your character is given a piece of property by another player you may not alter it or assume its effects without the original owner’s consent.

You may at any time discard something placed onto you by another player, though you are asked to use this rule sparingly when dealing with such things as curses, poisons, and other negative effects.

Scenarios, Plots, and Campaigns:
A plot is the property of who ever started it and though by its nature it is meant to be interacted with no player has the right to alter it or lead it from its original concept.

You are allowed to inject content into another person’s plot but only if it does not interfere with what is already running.

Do not start plots or scenarios without the permission of a board moderator.

Keep your character in the same period of time as the other characters.

Try to stay with the other characters in a scenario unless it is indicated that you may leave them.

Your character is considered under these rules to be just as strong as any other character, so do not play a character as if he is stronger than the others around him.

Unless there is some sort of in-game reason for it a character will have no knowledge of what has happened before his arrival.

You may not attack another player’s character without first getting that player’s approval.

Under ordinary circumstance a character will not be able to take more than one action a turn besides moving himself, A character will not be able to block more than one attack a turn, a character will not be able to dodge more than one attack a turn, a character will not be able to dodge or block any attack which covers a large area, no ability will be able to instantly kill a being or device, and no ability will be able to kill a being or device after a set number of turns.

When a player wishes a character to do some sort of move or ability which goes beyond his character’s ordinary limits he has two options. The first is to “charge” for several turns, leaving himself vulnerable and unable to act. The second option is for a character to fatigue himself, the effects of this can range from a character’s attack weakening to him being removed from a scene.

Special abilities and powers which conflict with the above rules are allowed however a character is only allowed so many of them and he may be expected to take penalties in return for them. If you would like to know how to craft your character’s abilities so that he is still within the rules please contact a board moderator.