Aight now it's time to explain the rules of training and Sparring, I'll explain Sparring first since it's the easiest.
SparringOkay well you can spar each person once per day, as long as you win. If you lose a spar then you're done for the day, unless if you have a rejuvination tank or a special ability. After you're finished with your day of sparring post a message saying who all you sparred and whether you won or lost and tell me where you want your TP's to go. Each race gets a different amount of training points for each win/loss here's a list:
Saiyans- Wins: 400 TP Losses: 500 TP TrainingAight now for training all you gotta do is say what planet you're currently training on, and how many days you plan on training(2 weeks max, then you gotta take a 2 day break), after that, tell me if you have any type of weighted clothing, or a gravotron, and where you want all of your TP to go to. After that just sit back and wait, you'll get your stats at the end of your training period. Heres the list of how many training points you get for each planet:
Earth- 250 TP per day Note 2: Sometimes you'll end up with extra TP, so I'll just put it on your member page below extra TP, when you see it just tell me where ya wanna put the extra points. Notet 3: Your PL must be above all of your other stats(except HP) can't ad TP to a stat that is equal to your current PL before adding more TP to your PL(unless if it's HP). |
Got any questions, comments, concerns? Well either E-mail me or if you have AIM then IM me at: MikeTyson1369. |