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Nations Of The Flanaess

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Aerdy, Kingdom of (Great Kingdom) 
Bandit Kingdoms 
Bissel, March of 
Blackmoor, Archbarony of 
Bone March 
Celene, Kingdom of 
Chaykik Hordes (Tiger Nomads) 
Cruski, Kingdom of 
Dyvers, Free and Independent City of 
Ekbir, Caliphate of 
Fruztii, Kingdom of 
Furyondy, Kingdom of 
Geoff, Grand Duchy of 
Gran March 
Greyhawk, Free and Independent City of 

Horned Society 
Idee, County of 
Iuz, Lands of 
Keoland, Kingdom of 
Lendore Islands 
Lordship of the Isles, Principality of 
North Province 
Nyrond, Kingdom of 
Onnwall, Free State of 
Paynims, Tribes of 
Perrenland, Concatenated Cantons of 
Principality of Ulek 
Ratik, Archbarony of 
Rel Astra, City of 
Rovers of the Barrens 
Scarlet Brotherhood 
Schnai, Kingdom of 
Sea Barons 
Sea Princes, Hold of 
Shield Lands 
South Province 
Spindrift Isles 
Sterich, Earldom of 
Stonefist, Hold of 
Sultanate of Zeif 
Sundi, County of 
Tenh, Duchy 
The Yeomanry 
Theocracy of the Pale 
Ulek, County of 
Ulek, Principality of 
Urnst, County of 
Urnst, Duchy of 
Valley of the Mage 
Veluna, Archclericy of 
Wegwuir Hordes (Wolf Nomads) 
Wild Coast


No matter what your enemies take from you, they can never strip you of two things - your family and your homeland. 

You've traveled through these lands for years, visiting cities and exploring dark dungeons. But now we invite you to take a look at these lands in a way that you never could before. 

Click on a link to the left and you will be transported to the respective country. There you will find images, weather conditions, population statistics, and if applicable, a list of the original TSR adventures that take place in that realm. 

If you have suggestions of submissions for these or any other countries in the Flanaess, drop us a line at

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