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Aerdi Sea 
Azure Sea 
Densac Gulf 
Dramidj Ocean
Grendep Bay 
Icy Sea 
Jerlea Bay 
Oljatt Sea 
Relmor Bay 
Solnor Ocean 
Spindrift Sound 
Tilva Strait 
White Fanged Bay 
Woolly Bay

"The sea, washing the equator and the poles, offers its perilous aid ... 
Beware of me, it says, but if you can hold me, I am the key to all the lands." 


For all his power and magics, mankind and his fellow air-breathing, ground dwellers will never conquer the oceans and seas of Oerth. The waters are unpredictable, tempermental and mysterious. Though they may allow him passage, they may also grasp his wooden vessels in their mighty grip, and toss him to an uncharted shore, or dash him against the rocky coast. 

Here we visit the waters of the World Of Greyhawk. Click on a link to the left to set sail.


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