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"Nothing can bring an educated conversation to it's knees faster than the participation of a human. Hot-headed, reactionary, savage. For a species so young in development and so short-lived, they seem intent on control of everything around them. Pity that they do not have the time to examine their own shortcomings."


Seisyll Dyfnwal


Attempting to describe the human race in the world of Oerth is one of the most difficult things to do. Although relatively new in comparison to the demi-humans of the realms, humans are further divided by a number of different races, languages, customs and beliefs. Most of the other races with whom humans form alliances consider them to be interesting and confusing at the same time. 

Humans can be found in almost every single country and land mass in the known world. 


Prime Locations: Zief, Ull, Ekbir, Tiger Nomads

The Baklunish people will forever live in the shadows of the mystical powers of their ancestors - those who wrought the terror of the Rain of Colorless Fire. However, many know little of the deep bonds that tie together Baklunish families, and one who considers a Baklunish to be a friend, can count on someone to watch his back straight through the Nine Hells.

Baklunish humans have a golden-hued skin and dark hair, usually deep brown or black. Their eyes are commonly green, grey or hazel in color. 

Although their magical interests are legendary, another culture of Baklunish humans disassociated themselves with those studies and became nomads, breeding horses and ultimately becoming prosperous traders and farmers.


Prime Locations: Duchy of Tenh, Geoff, Sterich, Rovers of the Barrens, Theocracy of the Pale

An eon ago, the Flan were a ragtag group of nomadic dwellers, forced to live their lives by searching for areas not being fought over by the Suel and Oeridian races. Since that time, the Flan have learned from those other races, mastering the same skills and arts that once forced them from their homelands.

Humans of Flan descent have a tanned or deep bronzed complexion and dark hair and eyes. The hair is always curly or wavy, and ranges in colors from black to brown-black and brown. Blonde hair is never seen naturally in this race. Eye color is always either black or some shade of brown such as amber or mahogany.

The Flannae enjoy the outdoors much more than the cramped confines of cities and crowds. They are legendary horsemen, and renowned for their ability at storytelling and musicianship.


Prime Locations: Furyondy, Perrenland, Shield Lands, Great Kingdom of Aerdy, United Kingdom of Ahlissa, Onnwal, Sunndi

Many mistakenly believe Oeridian stock to be a mixture of some of the other human races. Perhaps because they seem to draw on some characteristics of those other races. In actuality, Oeridians were some of the first humans to migrate across the Flanaess almost a millennium ago.

Oeridian skin tones range from a light tan to an olive complexion and their eyes can be nearly any color possible - although the most common colors are shades of brown or gray. Their hair can also be nearly any color from black to blonde - again the most common being varying shades of brown.

Historically, Oeridians have been great leaders and warriors, and their weaponsmithing is unrivaled within the human races. They consider the art of battle a beautiful dance, and it is not uncommon for a powerful Oeridian champion to be trained in the arts of tumbling and acrobatics.


Mysterious and suspicious - both words the other human races would use to describe the Rhennee. The curious thing is, the Rhennee would probably agree with that statement.

Often confused with Oeridians, the Rhennee are mainly water-traveling folk, many living near the City of Greyhawk along the shores of the Nyr Dyv. 

Their skin color is always a tan or olive color, and their hair is usually curly and of a dark hue such as black. Their eyes are also always of a dark color, although they range from brown to green and even a deep blue. Though they tend to be smaller in stature than the other human races, they are unusually strong for their size.

The Rhennee are a gypsy-like race, with a matriarch most commonly found making the decisions for the tribe or clan. Strangely, with the exception of the matriarch, most females are considered to be more of a possession than an equal to the males of the clan.

Their skills vary wildly, although most are competent boatsmen, with some knowledge of hunting and fishing.


The vast Sea of Dust is the only remaining testament to the destruction of the Rain of Colorless Fire - an attack on the Suel race that nearly annihilated them ages ago. To this day, tensions between the Baklunish and Suel descendants can best be described as strained.

The fairest skinned of all human races, many Suloise could easily be considered albino. Their eyes are always blue or grey - a striking contrast to their light colored hair.

The Suloise have a great reputation at skills that require manual dexterity. Many become great masters of the visual arts - sculpting or painting many of the most popular works or art throughout the Flanaess. Other choose to use these talents in the pursuits of thieving and pickpocketing.

By far, however, the Suloise are known to use these skills in magical research and wizardry. Many of history's most powerful or legendary mages were of Suloise descent.

Famous Non-Player Characters Of This Race
None available at this time.


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