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Who exactly are the major players of Fruits Basket? Why not take a look-see?

Tohru Honda

Age: 16
This is Tohru Honda, your average, normal high school girl with a twist. She's anything but normal. They say she's normal in looks, but her personality is 100% giveing and cheerful. She is driven by emotion and the wise words of her now dead mother. She loves the Sohma family a lot and would do anything to protect them.
Voice Actor: Laura Bailey

Yuki Sohma

Yuki Sohma! Also known as "The prince" Is a very popular student loved by all in his school, even some guys look up to him, and like him... HE EVEN HAS HIS OWN FAN CLUB! Yet, what people don't get to see a lot is his shy side and the pain he holds from his past.. cand Tohru get through to him, can she cure his hurt? Yuki is the rat.
Yuki's voice actor is Eric Vale

Kyo Sohma

Age: 16
This boy here loves to fight. He will take any challenge and thrives for attention. He hates his family for shutting him out because he's the cat. Can Tohru break through into his world and show him that people do care for him?
Kyos's voice actress is Jerry Jewel

Shigure Sohma

Age: 27
Ok. Shigure is one of the older Sohmas with a curse, but that does not make him mature. He is a fun loveing novelist who is quite perverted. Thus, he is the dog in the zodiac. Who would have guessed?
Shigure's voice actress is John Burgmeier