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PK Logs


Kyovaer vs Jivundus, Raikh, Fenrir and a lag spell..mud lagged to a stop(Defending)
Kyovaer vs. Velmin remember to dispel and recast layers
Kyovaer vs. Broodar
Kyovaer vs. Korzoulocke(one pirate down 12 million to go)
Kyovaer vs. Eskil(only used one healing potions each)
Raiding the dwarves i did a little bit more damage then i thought i could(Gilmandor is a dwarven fighter)
(new logs start here)A little bit more defenders cam then i thought


Alerion vs. Safh, Southpaw, Backu(Raiding)
Alerion vs. Radis
Alerion vs. Velmin
Alerion vs. madness
Alerion vs. to many orcs/trolls(Raiding)
Safh raids the halflings just as Alerion sings on, didnt have time to get a holy shield
Safh raids again...didn't learn
Alerion and Temperal vs.Cellix and Cecil, Temperal dissappears for a long time during the fight...never did figure out where he went.
Alerion vs. Gabriel
Alerion, Morlane, and Tasslehoff vs Vraurk and Phunbaba
Alerion vs. Celeborn(ww)
ALerion, Tyriel, Narauko raid sreen
Alerion dueling Elvadrier(New skins)
Zaria came back, so we raided sreen in her name, all went great then turned for the worse.
Orion, Garg, Sorbitol, and Iuchiban raid Eluten
Noggsha and Gork raid
Massive raid on Eluten, lots of spam
Xordar and Ceradon raid and run into Telepati and me
Balian vs. Alerion a few times(arena)
Massive death in sreen
Alerion vs Willerd
Sreen 2 green suicide raid(too bad people didnt hit the right targets)


Celeborn, Iratxo, Alerion, Gieve, Zyfexequiem, Gouki vs Vraurk, Phunbaba, Caliban, Grendel, Korzoulocke in Clan-Krak war
Celeborn, Iratxo, Lucious, Alerion, Alianora. Araethus vs Tarim, Phunbaba, Aiwass, Mulukhuzruk in Clan-Krak war
Celeborn, Iratxo, Alianora, Gieve, Gouki, and Alerion vs. Vraurk, Grendel, Aiwass, Korzoulocke, mulukhuzruk, and phunbaba