The Obsidian Caravan
Rank: mTrader, Head Trader of the Obsidian Caravan
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Place of Origin: Fort Weyr
Physical Description: Tall, dark features with 'gold' eyes (brown with flecks of yellow), gotee, bronzen skin, muscular for his age. Very handsome.
Personality: Strong, compassionate, a good leader, intelligent, competant and responsible, charming and charismatic, ethical, hard work-ethics.
Skills: Good leader, organization, able to bargain well, speaking
Pets: Black runner stallion Brahn, Bronze Flitt Avtyr
Relatives & Friends: Wife Cirilia. Sons: Farhad, Joru, & Kwen. Daughters: Willow, Rowaen (adopted), Lisilia, Velissa, Prisnya (missing) and Sasryn. Granddaughter Kahlua, of Willow. Brother: WLM and Bzrdr M'nas of Fort Weyr.
Basic History: A jmTrader, Larek and his brother M'nas were candidates at Fort Weyr when his brother Impressed bronze and he was left standing. Undaunted,
Larek met Cirila and the two of them fell in love and were handfasted. Together, they founded the Obsidian Caravan. He fathered many children,
and even adopted one orphan. His caravan grew and under proper management, became one of the largest, best-known caravans in the North.
Turns ago, his caravan was attacked by the Dark Cloud, the largest renengade group in the North, and his caravan suffered great damages, including the losses of many lives.
His young daughter Prisnya was kidnapped during that raid, and despite valiant efforts, she has not been found. Recently, however, Larek did discover that he has a nephew, the son of his brother, the WLM M'nas, who grew up with his mother and remained unknown to the family. He is FL Tr'vyrnn of Igen Weyr.
- Rank:
mTrader, Seccond-In-Command of the Obsidian Caravan
- Gender:
- Age:
- Place of Origin:
Angora Caravan
- Physical Description:
Platinum blonde hair, long and with slight curls, fair skin only slightly tanned after Turns in the sun, green eyes, and a delicate form.
- Personality:
Strong and enduring, soft and compassionate, empathic and sympathetic, motherly and loving. Graceful and elegant.
- Skills:
Organization, leadership.
- Pets:
White runner mare Wisteria, Gold flitter Quinn
- Relatives & Friends:
Same as Larek. Orphan.
- Basic History:
Orphaned shortly after birth, she grew up in the Angora Caravan, and became an apprentice trader. She never switched Caravans but one
day she was at Fort Weyr and she was Searched. She was left on the Sands, but found herself not the only one left standing. She soon fell in love with Larek, and the two were
handfasted. Still an apprentice, she completed her last Turn of apprenticeship at the Trader Hall. Shortly after receiving her knots, her 'parents' died, leaving her
what was left of their money and the caravan. With that, her and Larek founded the Obsidian Caravan and began their family. During the Dark Cloud attack, Cirila was gravely injured when
a renengade killed her mare out from under her, the runner falling on her, crushing one of her legs, and causing her to miscarry her baby. After that, she has never been able to carry
a pregnancy to term. In that same attack, her daughter Prisnya was kidnapped.
- Rank:
jmTrader, Heir of the Obsidian Caravan
- Gender:
Male - very much so!
- Age:
- Place of Origin:
The Obsidian Caravan
- Physical Description:
Tall and dark like his father. Also has a gotee. Golden eyes and a beautiful charming face. Muscular and well-built. Very attractive.
- Personality:
Charming, charismatic. Responsible and competant. Intelligent and creative. Seductive.
- Skills:
Leadership, communication, good people-skills, charming to a fault. Very much the ladies-man (until recently)
- Pets:
Deep bay runner stallion Raj. Brown flitt Tre.
- Relatives & Friends:
Love: wlg ww Kharis of Golden Shiovath, Xavier Weyr. Family: Same as parents.
- Basic History:
Born the first son of Larek and Cirila Obsidian, Farhad has grown with the caravan. The strapping young lad had many responsibilities but still found time to develop his own skills with the female gender.
A charming, charismatic man like his father, Farhad has had his share of lovers. Caravan life made it hard to stay with any particular female, and that suited him well. Recently, however, he managed to find a woman who stole his heart.
While visiting his sisters Willow and Rowaen in Xavier Weyr, Farhad met one of Row's fellow candidates, a woman from Telgar Hold named Kharis. Both seducing and being seduced by her charms, he ended up with her that evening
and the next morning. It was a month later when Willow fetched him to speak to Kharis, who had Impressed Gold Shiovath during the interval, for she was pregnant. Totally smitten and in love, he embraced her pregnancy and vowed to be by her side. He still hasn't worked out the details,
but he's hoping that he can somehow make things work between them. Kharis disappeared during her pregnancy along with Shiovath and has not been found since. He's been in several relationships since, but nothing serious, despite an attempt with ww Aiella of Igen Weyr
- Rank:
- Gender:
- Age:
- Place of Origin:
The Obsidian Caravan
- Physical Description:
His father's dark looks, though he runs a bit on the heavier side. Not fat, he's just got a little more meat on his bones that gives him the 'teddy-bear' look.
- Personality:
Bubbling with laughter, a great bargainer, responsible, competant.
- Skills:
Haggling! Laughing!
- Pets:
Brown runner Coss. Green flitter Moss.
- Relatives & Friends:
Same as above
- Basic History:
Born the second child of the OC, Joru grew up loving the trader life. He's grown into his position well as one of the best hagglers in the caravan. He
could convince you to trade your dragon's wings he's so good. He's never settled down, rather has had many girlfriends, some more serious than others.
Willow and Rowaen Obsidian
- Rank:
jmScout - the Obsidian Caravan
- Gender:
- Age:
- Place of Origin:
The Obsidian Caravan
- Physical Description:
Dark features of her father, but the feminimity of her mother. Golden eyes with beautiful lips and a gorgeous face.
- Personality:
Strong-willed, independent, intelligent, observant. Occasionally, she acts like a woman.
- Skills:
Tracking, Guerilla tactics, riding, weapons.
- Pets:
Gold Tel'Alik Stallion Farsi. Brown flitter Mohamm
- Relatives & Friends:
Best friend is Rowaen Obsidian of Bn Talenyth. Family: Same as above.
- Basic History:
Born the second daughter in the Obsidian Caravan, she grew up quite differently than her older sister Willow. Willow was always the more
feminine and delicate of the two, while Lis was the tomboy. After Willow left for the Harper Hall, this was especially true. Rowaen was adopted when she was only a babe, and the two
were inseparable throughout childhood. She endured the constant teasing of her brothers, though in a fight, they backed her right away. She was constantly into trouble with her siblings, and
they were all quite a pain. As she matured, she found she had an affinity for scouting, prolly after Turns of playing hide-and-seek with the other children. She apprenticed to the Sentries, a division
of the Armscraft, and specialized in Scouting. She had to spend two Turns away from the Caravan to learn basic skills, but she spent the rest of her apprenticeship studying under the
Caravan's current Scouts. Currently a journeyman, she fulfills her duties to the Caravan and Hall. Whenever she is at the Trader Hall, she spends part of her free time doing scouting for them.
She also spends a mandatory two sevendays a Turn under their training and running missions for them. She is one of the best desert scouts alive and is reknown for her abilities, earning herself the knickname "the Desert Rose" for her beauty and skills.
- Rank:
- Gender:
- Age:
- Place of Origin:
The Obsidian Caravan
- Physical Description:
His father's dark hair and eyes, but his skin is slightly lighter, though barely. Handsome.
- Personality:
Reserved, strong, tempermental at times. Not the charmer or haggler like his other brothers.
- Skills:
Weapons, defense.
- Pets:
Brown runner Arden. Green flitter Pen
- Relatives & Friends:
Same as above.
- Basic History:
Kwen was unlucky in that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. During the Dark Cloud attack,
he was in the same caravan as his sisters Velissa, Prisnya, and Sasryn. He was trying to save a child from a burning wagon nearby when
Kiel, the leader of the Dark Cloud, thundered in on his runner and snatched Prisnya. Kwen has never forgiven himself and vowed on that day
that he would never fail to protect his family again. He apprenticed to the Sentries shortly afterwards. He finished his training and has returned
to the Caravan to follow through on his vow.
Vellissa Obsidian
- Rank:
caravan brat
- Gender:
- Age:
- Place of Origin:
The Obsidian Caravan
- Physical Description:
Blonde hair, gold eyes, and gold skin. A mix of her parents.
- Personality:
Bossy, spoiled, bratty, and tempermental.
- Pets:
- Relatives & Friends:
- Basic History:
She's the one her mother spoiled after losing Prisnya and the fetus. She's been spoiled all her life, and her
parents are beginning to regret it. The Caravan harper says she's not the worst, but she is by far the brattiest of the Obsidian