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Sunshine Coast Branch
Building Designers Association of Queensland Inc.

Sunshine Coast Branch

The BDAQ Sunshine Coast Branch is a group of Individual Building Designers
Licensed under the Building Services Authority of Queensland

The Building Designers' Association is a diverse group of professionals from all sectors of the construction industry. Our Branch welcomes you to our Site, which we will be updating regularly.
If you live on The Sunshine Coast, we have members in your area now to help with your BUILDING REQUIREMENTS
So CLICK on the Links below to find your Nearest Licensed BDAQ BUILDING DESIGNER

About The B.D.A.Q. - A description of the BDAQ and what it aims to offer both the public and its members.

BDAQ Services - Information about what our clients can expect from a member of our Association.

List of Members - Find out the Location and Details of your nearest Local BDAQ Member.

Links & Contacts - Links to Other Branchs, Sponsors and other Important Contacts.

Coming Events - Branch News, Seminars, Details of Monthly Meetings and other Local Issues

© 1998 BDAQ Sunshine Coast