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About ETI

Emmanuel Training Institute was the "brainchild" of Rev. Tripp Heckle, who is also known as the "KId Doctor." In his many years as a professional children's minister, he has seen the desparate need for well trained children's workers, and has responded! He has been a Pastor, Minister of Education, and a Bible Institute Dean, as well as a specialist in Children's Ministry for 19 years.

As you see, thanks to the advent of the Internet, you have the ability to have a much more complete and well rounded education, than most people get in a traditional atmosphere! No longer do volunteers have to feel unprepared because they were not able to go away to Bible College! No longer do Pastors have to feel unprepared for this area of ministry! There's nothing like learning effective ministry from a whole bunch of "in the trenches" professionals. And then learning puppetry from a professional puppeteer, illusion from a professional illusionist, storytelling from a professional storyteller, etc. A quality, comprehensive training course in children's ministry is at your fingertips!

In order to find out more about ETI, click here!

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