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Financial Policy

Well, we don't charge for you to get trained!

We feel like we have received freely, so we give freely! And besides, we don't want money to stand in the way of getting the training for kid's ministry/teaching that a person needs! Most of the people who work in this field of ministry, are volunteers who work other full time jobs. As a result, most of them also use every penny that they earn, to pay their bills. And a great deal of those don't get the training that they really need because they simply don't have the money! But now that's over!

Even though we are a quality, comprehensive institute, we operate strictly on free will offerings! And we even offer you a plan to "Earn While you Learn!" So NOT ONLY can you get a first class education in children's ministry for only free will offerings, but you can earn money while you do so! And we'll gladly tell you how to get free web acess, SO EVEN THAT'S FREE!

Now don't start thinking that you're getting a second class education because we are free will offering operated. We're that way strictly because we know how important this type of ministry is!

Studies show that 32% of all the people who are going to accept Jesus do so in below the age of 12. During the teenage years it drops to 8%. And only 4-5% in the adult years.

See how important this type of ministry is?

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