Coming Down

Kaytea wandered around Ash's cavernous house aimlessly. She was proud of herself for inflicting so much damage to Jamie. That'd teach her not to touch Chris anymore. Kayt smiled to herself. She wondered if the guysthat took her inside had managed to clean her up yet. She really hoped not. Damn whore.

Sitting down on an empty chair Kaytea sighed and decided she wanted to have a drink before she went to hunt Chris down. He was going to get the bitch out of his lifetime for this. Just thinking of Chris with any other girl was enough to make her blood boil. Kayt stood up shakily and headed for the bar. Maybe it was just paranoia, but as Kayt passed through the crowds of people she kept feeling all their eyes burning into her, as if silently taunting her. It was too much to deal with and she ran outside, the cool night air slamming into her like a brick wall. She slumped down onto the porch and started to plan what to say to Chris.

An orange sock was laying carelessly in the hallway. Forgetting about the leprechaun and Batman, Daniel bent down to examine the orange object. Realising it was just a fuzzy sock he picked it up and stuck it on his hand, making a glove of sorts. When Daniel glanced at it again his sock- glove had grown a pair of eyes and a long sloppy tongue. "Ahh fuck!!!" he screamed and hurled it against the wall. His glove was possessed!! Seeing it laying there motionless, he nudged it with his foot. The sock didn't move. He let out a yell and jumped on it a few times. SpiderDan would have to teach it a lesson. "You lousy fucker! Where the hell do you get off growing eyes like that biatch?" The orange sock refused to answer, only making Daniel angrier.

As Daniel was spazzing about over the possessed sock Ash happened to walk by and shot him a strange look. He ignored her and kept yelling and jumping around. "Johnsy what the fuck are you doing?" She stared at him incredulously.

"I'm SpiderDan damnit!! Look at him just laying there. Fucking pussy. He grew eyes!! And a tongue! It's trying to screw with my mind.." he trailed off as he noticed the sock begin to crawl away. Daniel dropped to his knees and chased after it. Ash raised her eyebrows and decided to leave him be. He was too weird for her.

Ben looked down and smiled at Sarah. She looked so pretty when she danced, with the lights bouncing off her hair. The sound of Aphex Twin's "Come to Daddy" was pumping through the speakers, and made conversation next to impossible. Sarah motioned to Ben that she wanted to go sit down for awhile and they made their way out of the mass of tangled flesh.

"I'm fucking beat.." Sarah yawned and stretched out on the couch. Ben gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and rested his head on her chest. He let out a yawn of his own and looked at his watch, which read 4:45AM. Time sure did fly. "Me too babes, I'm about ready to call it a night." Sarah yawned loudly and settled deeper into the sofa. Sarah noticed that a lot of people had already fell asleep of passed out on the floor and on various pieces of furniture. They laid together in silence until eventually they both drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

After leaving Ash's bedroom Nic headed back downstairs in an attempt to find Daniel. She wondered if he was still searching for that elf he kept mumbling about. Thinking about elves made her laugh to herself. Daniel sure was acting weird tonight. Music wafted through the stairwell but Nic couldn't quite place and nor did she feel like trying to figure out what it was. Jumping down the last three steps she turned the corner. Locating Daniel was such a pain in the ass at parties.

Her attention was grabbed by a bright orange object at the end of the hall. Looking a little closer she saw a body sprawled out next to the orange thing which resembled Daniel. Nic tiptoed up to the person and saw that it indeed was Daniel, or SpiderDan as he seemed to be calling himself for the night, passed out on the floor. Grinning, she laid down next to him. She saw his eyes flutter open for a second and he smiled gently as he put his arm around her. They snuggled up against one another and fell asleep.

Chris woke up with a jolt. "Aww man.." he mumbled, realising he had passed out in the pool shed. His head was throbbing and he searched his mind to figure out how he had ended up in there. Memories of Jamie and the pool popped into his mind and he smiled to himself, until he remembered Kayt storming out and wrecking the moment with her childish tantrum. Thinking of Kayt pissed him off. He didn't know why he stayed with her.

Chris picked himself up on the floor and stumbled forwards in the darkness. "Ow!!" he slammed his knee into something large and hard. Feeling around, he determined it was a cabinet of some kind. "Fucking hell I want outta here.." he murmured to no one in particular. He finally found the door and let himself out to join back in the festivities.

The techno music was starting to get annoying and Chris decided that he was going to do everyone a favour and put in his Slots CD. The only problem with that is that it meant he had to go out to his car and find it. He grabbed himself a beer and headed out the front door. Big mistake, for Kayt was sitting directly in front of him. She looked up at him and gave him an icy glare which sent a chill running up his spine. "Um.. hi honey." he said casually, feeling a hot blush creep across his face.

"Hi honey? That's it? Don't you have anything else to say to me Christopher?!" Kayt screamed furiously and stood up. Chris backed away from his raving girlfriend and shortly replied "What the hell has gotten into you Kayt? You're deranged! I can't believe you just attacked Jamie like that.." he paused and took a sip from his beercan. "I really don't have much to say to you at the moment. Calm down and then we'll talk." he turned around stormed back into Ash's house. So much for getting that Slots CD.

Kayt was livid. How dare Chris treat her that way? Did he not realise what he did? She began to wonder why she put up with all his shit, was it really worth it? Yes, she decided, it was. Kayt couldn't even imagine herself without him. He was like heroin to her, once she had a taste she yearned for more. Constantly. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to walk home. There was no use chasing Chris around all night. She would straighten him out in the morning.

