Sobering Up

Kayt picked up her phone and began to dial Chris's number. She reached the last digit and quickly slammed the phone back down. Why is this so hard? she asked herself. Heaving a sigh, she flopped back onto her bed and gazed over at the framed picture of her and Chris from the prom last year. They looked so happy together back then. Sitting back up, Kayt noticed her poem to Chris laying on the floor next to her bed and snatched it up.

Once outside Nic looked over at Daniel who seemed to be in his own little world "Dan, do you have your keys?" He looked at her strangely, "Hunnh?" Nic shook her head "Oh nevermind.." and proceeded to reach into his pockets to retrieve them. Daniel smiled and slid his arm around her. "So we're doing that now?"

Nic lightly shook him off and led him to the jeep, opening the passenger door so he could get in. He did so obediently and Nic went around to the other side and got into the drivers' seat. She was glad Daniel didn't protest to her driving, because that could've been a bad scene.

They drove to his house in silence, with Triple J on softly in the background. Pulling into Daniel's driveway she debated on whether or not to stick around and make sure he didn't cause any trouble, then decided that was probably a good idea. Especially since she wasn't really in the mood to walk back to her house.

Chris pulled into his driveway and sighed. He figured he ought to call Kayt and apologize, or at least to see what kind of mood she was in since last night's chaotic events had taken place. Unlocking the door, he mused over it until he reached his room, but once seeing his bed he collapsed onto it and fell asleep instantly, forgetting all about ringing up Kayt.

An hour later the shrill ring of Chris's phone startled him out of his peaceful sleep. After hearing it ring five times he figured Louise wasn't going to answer so he grabbed it. "Hullo?" he answered thickly. "Chris?" Kayt's voice came over the receiver. "Did I call at a bad time?" Chris rubbed his eyes. "Nah, it's okay. What's up?" Kayt took a few seconds before answering, "Well I wanted to talk about last night.."

"So you had fun?" Ben looked over at Sarah and grinned. She returned his smile and answered "Yeah, I had a great time. Ash throws really awesome parties." She settled back into the seat comfortably. "That's good. So, um, do you want to do something with me tonight?" Ben looked at her hopefully. "I'd be delighted." Sarah said happily. "Oh, turn right here, this is my street."

A few minutes later Ben's car was parked outside Sarah's house and they were kissing goodbye passionately. As Sarah bounced out of the car she turned around and waved at Ben "You better ring me!!" He smiled back at her and promised he would. "Oh of course I will." he said to himself once she was in the house. "Definitely.." He pulled back out into the street and headed home for some much needed sleep.

"I just love you so much, and seeing you with that other girl infuriated me. I didn't mean to fuck her up that badly, I really didn't." Kayt was lying out her ass about the last part. But she knew it was what Chris wanted to hear. "But it was my first reaction. I'm so sorry. I even wrote you a poem Cithy."

"I'ts okay love, I was wrong too. I shouldn't have done anything with Jamie. And I'd love to hear your poem." Chris closed his eyes and laid back down while Kayt began to read, barely paying attention. He'd gotten off easy, as usual. His girlfriend was such a pushover. She believed everything that he told her, and that thought made him laugh quietly to himself. Good old gullible Kaytea.

Ash relaxed comfortably in a recliner as Lucia, the maid, picked up the last remains of her party. From her end of things it had seemed like pretty much everyone had had a good time, herself included. She was glad things worked out for Sarah and Ben. From what she saw of them they seemed perfect for each other. Now if only Sarah could stop thinking about Randy for a little while..

Remembering seeing Daniel, or well SpiderDan, trying to scale the walls made her laugh out loud. That boy must have been on serious drugs she thought to herself. He is so weird when he's fucked up. Then she moved onto Laura's table dance, which made her smile. She'd have to remember to talk to her about that later on. Once Lucia had been paid and left Ash headed up to her room to take a nap before making plans for the night.

Once inside, Nic led Daniel upstairs to his room where he immediately laid down on the floor. Nic sat down beside him "Are you okay?" He mumbled something in response and turned to look at her until his eyes fluttered shut. She sighed, thinking that he better recover a lot before his meeting with Watson tonight. As of now he was in no condition to do much of anything. She shook him lightly, "Dan don't you think ya might be more comfy in your bed?" His eyes opened for a second and he nodded slowly. "Help me?" he asked in an almost childlike voice. Nic then helped him up and into his bed, giving him a quick kiss before laying down beside him.

