News and Updates

Fuck it's been awhile hasn't it? School's been keeping me kinda busy. I've also been more focused on my home page. I've added a theory page (finally! Something new!! took you awhile!) yeah I know. Not much has been going on with the Scream movies...until now. They have the movie poster up for Scream 3 down at one of the malls here in Phoenix. The poster looks REALLY cool. If I can find a picture of it, I'll use it as my picture link to the theories. Got info on the cast too: Neve, David, and Courteney, Scott Foley (from Felicity), Parker Posey (best independant film actress), and Deon Richmand (seen on Sister, Sister). I'll try and catch up and get more info as soon as I hear it. And try not to be the last to hear it. Until later. Peace out.

Hey! I gotta mailing list now! click the little thing below to subscribe. I also need your help. I don't know what to add to this page. If you've got any suggestions, e-mail me at my newest address: I also need some pictures, so if you got a picture from either movie, and it's not on this page, could you please e-mail it to me. You'll get full credit if it's one you made. That's it for now. Hey, don't forget to subscribe to my mailing list.

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Nothin new. Sorry to say. Won't be for awhile maybe a new quoute here and there. But I've been working real hard on my new Offspring site, which is almost done. It's gonna be three times as good as this site hopefully with time. But it's definatly something that's gonna be worth checkin out. Wanna know about me? I've gotta personal page right HERE. Updated more than any of my other pages. School starts in two weeks. Until then, probably won't be saying shit on this page. Any one wanna help me with the site. Find out what you can do. e-mail me at my new address:

I've added a new qoute. Updates will be slow because I'm working on my new page INTERMISSION: THE OFFSPRING. I'll update at least 3 times a week though...or at least I'll try.

Done a little late spring cleaning. Straightened up The Jamie Kennedy and Timothy Olyphant pages. And I've added a daily qoute. They are just going to be random qoutes from the two movies. I'm also working on finishing the two dead links on the Ryan Page. They should be finished later on this morning. I'll update again later today or tomorrow. I'm on icq now. My number is 40326195 if you want to drop a line. Peace out.

I've added a section about myself. It is located on the very bottom of the main page. Check it out if you want to see pics of me and my friends. I've also made my IKWYDLS page. It's got a few things on it now. Go check it out! CRUEL SUMMERS: I Know What You did Last Summer That's all for now. I should be doing more tonight and I'll update again tomorrow. So watch this space. E-mail em with comment, suggestions, or questions:

FEB. '99 to MAY '99

OCT. '98 to JAN. '99

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