News: FEB '99- MAY '99

I've added a SCREAM: Soundtrack page. It is located in Multimedia. so far there is only lyrics to most of the songs, but I'll add more when I get the chance. I've also just been cleaning up the pages and making sure links work. If there is a link not work please let me know. Questions, comments, suggestion?

ANYONE CELEBRATE 420 (National Smoke Out Day)???!!!! Oh, what are your thoughts on the High School massacre in Colorado? Well, e-mail me or post or thoughts is the message board or chatroom. I'm in the process of giving the site a new look. Anyone have any suggestions? write 'em down in the guest book or e-mail me. I need some more suggestions. summer is coming up which'll give me more time to work on the site and it really needs some late spring cleaning. Let me know your thoughts.

I've added the (so-called) official banner for SCREAM 3 to the top of the page. The rumor is that they've already started filming. Only around 9 more months till it's release here in the United States. I've also added two more pages to the SCREAM 2 photo album. I have also put my Music section up in the MULTIMEDIA section. It's filled with all types of music and videos for your enjoyment. THE RAGE: CARRIE 2 opened yesterday. I'll tell you it's really good for a sequel. But to understand some of the scenes you'll need to have seen the first Carrie. Although the movie does do a good job of explaining what happened in the past. As soon as I'm finished with my IKWYDLS page, I'll start making one for CARRIE and THE RAGE. if anyone knows where I can find pictures, info, or sites on the first CARRIE movie, please e-mail me. I'll add more info and stuff as soon as I can.

Happy Valentines Day! Not much to update. I've just been moving around the look of the page. I've changed one of the banners 'cause i've had complaints of the BMPs not working. I have not deleted the banner though so those of you using the second one, it won't be a bad link 'cause it is still there. For those who can't use the BMPs, the second one is a GIF image. It should work perfectly fine. That's about all to update. I'm working on a music page for everyone to be able to go to if they want a break from the page and just want to listen to some cool music. It should be up soon. That's all for now screamers. Peace out!

Okay, so after I wrote the last update I ended up doing a lot of changing. I've added Links to my BRIDE OF CHUCKY page, my 'N SYNC page, and my I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER page (which is coming soon, but not up and running yet). I've also been going through and cleaning up the way the page looks. I've added a new scream icon at the top of the main page. I've also moved the links around so that my page is more together instead of all spread out. I'm still very interested in your comments and suggestions on making this page better. Please e-mail me with them.

EARLIER (2-10-99):
Not much to update today. The Ryan Phillippe section is finished. I had finished it on Sunday. I just forgot to add it into the updates section. I am also working on another photo album for SCREAM 2. I'm also getting together a plan for an I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER page which will include stuff (including Multimedia) for that and it's sequel I STILL KNOW... (I can't believe it's not up for an oscar, it was an excellent sequel and a great horror flick on it's own.) On TOTAL REQUEST LIVE the VJ (not Carson Daly, but the guy who takes his place sometimes) was joking around about how he couldn't believe BRIDE OF CHUCKY wasn't up for an oscar. Well duh, we all know why. It was a good movie (for the fun of the not so scary more of a comedy type of movie) but it definintly could not beat out SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE or SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. Well what's your opinion on the Academy Awards? Go to the message board and put down your opinions. Question or comments:

Hey Screamers, what's up? Quite a few changes were made. As you can tell I've changed the look of the Main Page. If you can't see it you'll have to click RELOAD when you get back there. I've also updated Timothy Olyphant's stuff. I've got a couple LINKS and some PICTURES up. I've also updated his FILMOGRAPHY. And I have now added a RYAN PHILLIPPE section. Yeah, I know he's not in SCREAM or SCREAM 2, but he is in I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER. I'm planning on creating a page for it soon, if I get the chance. I also like him a whole lot. He's a very talented actor. Besides he's got a film coming out (CRUEL INTENTIONS) who he co-stars with Sarah Michelle Gellar (his co-star in IKWYDLS and the belated Cici Cooper). Well, I'll tell ya more next time I update. I'm gonna finish tonight so it'll all be ready tomorrow. B.T.W. if ya want to see the old NEWS AND UPDATES click the link below! Peace out!

Latest News | OCT. '98 to JAN. '99| Main Page