NEWS: October '98 - January '99

I hope everyone had had a happy New Year. I've got no updates on this page, but my BtVS page is temporarily gone. I now have an 'N SYNC site up. That's all the news I have for now, sorry.

Ok, so I said there would be updates sooner than this but I've been pretty busy with the holidays. I hope everyone is having a great time during the holidays. The only thing I've updated today has been the Jamie Kennedy part of the page. I've added pictures from ENEMY OF THE STATE and some magazine pictures. I'll try and update later tonight or tomorrow. But I'm busy clearing out all my hard drives so I can get more memory on my computer. So until the early spring cleaning is done, I wouldn't expect much new for a little while. Sorry. Well that's about all. e-mail me with any questions or comments:

Sorry about the dust collecting here. I've been really busy with school. Finals are coming up this week, but after that this site is definantly getting some scrubbing and improvements done. I've added quite alot of stuff (all right not that much. But it's more than I've been doing lately.) There is a new addition to the Audio Books. It's just something I threw together for the hell of it. I've also added more pictures. 6 have been added to the SCREAM section, and 10 have been added to SCREAM 2. That's about it. Hey, and now I need some help from some of you people who know some really good evil tricks I can use for revenge on someone. It's childish, but hey, we've all got to do it sometime right? Click Here for more details. Hey thanks for putting up with the slow updates. B.T.W. Go see Enemy of the State, if you haven't already. It's a great movie, and it gives Jamie Kennedy (the belated Randy)support. Don't forget to sign the guestbook. I'm interested in hearing your comments.

No real news up to date. My chucky page isn't finished but here's a link to what I've got: Bride of Chucky. Yeah!!! Friday the 13th this week, and the opening of I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER That's it for now. Sorry not much news, but I'll update when I can. Don't forget to sign the guestbook.

Alot of new stuff has been added. Okay not alot, but some. I've added 7 Scream and Scream 2 movie trailers. You can find them my going to MULTIMEDIA then to TRAILERS. But you have to have Quicktime to view them. I've also added several more pictures to the archive. The new ones will have three little stars by them (***). My BRIDE OF CHUCKY page is almost finished. Is it just me, or does that movie have not much point to it? If you have any questions or comments e-mail me:

I don't know if any of you noticed, but my Buffy the Vampire slayer page is now up and running. Click Here( link taken out because it is no longer there) to go to it. I've also started a page based on the new addition to the CHILD'S PLAY movies, BRIDE OF CHUCKY. It should be up and running soon. Sorry for the lack of updates on this page, I've been pretty busy with my other pages and school. If you have any question or comments e-mail me:

I've updated the audio photo albums today. There is another page to the Grand Finale. And I've added the first part of Casey Becker's Phone Call. My Buffy page should be up and running soon, I promise. If there is anything anyone suggests for either of my pages please e-mail me.

This section was added today, in order to keep everyone informed about what's going on with S2: DYKHRI. I've also added animated GIFs (located in PICTURES). They are in the best quality as I could make them. For those of you who haven't been here in a while the song clips were updated yesterday. If you have time please sign the guestbook.

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