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Starcraft News for Jan. 26th

New Version of Buddy
I got this in email from Titan_8. He saw it at star *cough* craft *cough* org *cough cough* :) It's good news but still no sign of it's release today.

For all those StarCraft and Diablo fans who downloaded and used the original version of the Buddy Monitor, a new version is on the way... Set to be released on Tuesday, January 26, version 2.01 will include many new features, including the ability to send and receive messages to people on your buddy list, search for people by account number, and select which server the program uses. In addition, all the code for this new version has been rewritten to eliminate all the bugs of the first version, make it more stable, and give it a brand-new interface. These changes will serve to make the Buddy Monitor one of the most useful utilities available. Look for it next Tuesday on all major StarCraft sites.

More Zileas Than You Really Need
FuzzytheBear did an interview with Zileas here. Zileas is the winner of the BW Beta Ladder and a student at MIT. If you want to find out more you have to read the interview :P If your more into audio than visual Starcraft Source did a phone interview with him and stuck it up at the site in real audio. It can be found 1 minute into real audio show #15 here.

Super Marine Stories
The Supermarine stories are online at Starcraft Headquarters. It's sort of like a comic book superhero with a SC theme. Episode I: The Birth of SuperMarine ! is up and ready for a gander. Episode II: The Battle of Dr. Hydra and SuperMarine should be up shortly. Thanks for the info A << Fa|con >>

Free SC Email !!
Starcraft Outpost 13 is offering anyone and everyone free email accounts! Choose from,, or Sounds fun :) What are you waiting for?? Sign up now!

Kali vs Bnet Tourney
The latest news on the tourney is that Kali is whooping Bnet 32-18. You can get downloads of screens from some of the games (tho I don't know why :p) here and you can read the Game 1 report here.

Alpha Centauri is Gold
Firaxis Games and Electronic Arts have announced that Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri has gone gold. Good news for all those turn-based lovers out there. Expect to see it on shelves in February. Download the demo at the official site, . There's an interview with Sid Meier up at IGN where he talks about Alpha Centauri, Firaxis and the future of PC gaming.

GameSpy Releases MP3Spy
The makers of Gamespy now brings you MP3Spy. What is it? Well, MP3Spy searches for Winamp SHOUTcast servers, allows you to download files to your desktop, or just listen. It also has a built in chat feature. For more info and to download check out the MP3Spy homepage.

Multiplayer Gaming Patent to be Announced
Seattle based technology company RTIME is scheduled to release information on U.S. patent # 5,841,980 today. The patent is "comprised of 54 individual claims that cover several facets of distributed, interactive communication systems." What they means to the future of online gaming is a little unclear at the moment, but after reading the article I don't think it will really interfere with anything, just securing their piece of the pie. Read more here.

SC and BW Rack Up the Awards
Gamespot put up their Best and Worst of 1998 list. Starcraft came away with Best Strategy Game of the Year, Best Story AND Best Multiplayer Game. As of that wasn't enough it was also nominated in the Best Graphics, Best Sound and Best Game of the Year categories. Brood War walked away with top honors for the Best Expansion Pack. All in all a very good year for Blizzard. Of note, Baldur's Gate took Best RPG of the Year and Half-Life took Best Action Game of the Year. The Best Game No-one Played went to *drum roll* .... Battlezone.

Umm Ok More Email
The people that offer the email redirect service are now offering . Just click the links above to register for the mail of your choice.

Starcraft News for Jan. 23rd

click to view epilogue Name New SC Comic Chars !
HoodZ has put up an epilogue (3 page comic setting up the next comic...). It looks awesome and sets up a little intrigue for the next upcoming comic. HoodZ is also asking fans to help name the new General and Protoss characters. Head on over, check it out and email HoodZ with your suggestions.

You know you've been playing too long..
Smoke sent along a couple new signs you know you need deep help:

You know you've been playing too long..
- If you've ever tried to blame anything on a hallucination.
- If you've wished for a transport at a busy intersection.
- If you've wished for a Reaver when stuck in traffic.
- If the sign on your lawn says "This Property protected by Zerg. (alternately "Arclite" or "Auir" ) Trespassers will be eaten, nuked, brainwashed, assimilated, locked-down and vaporized, and then shot."

If you'd like to see more signs, click here. For more insight into Smokes dementia try The Starcraft Facts of Life. at his site, Smoke'n'MirrorZ Alternet Dimension. It's worth the look :) Thanks Smoke!

Blizzard's Weekly Map Released
This weeks map is called Untamed Wilds and is playable with both SC and BW. Print the Enlarged Map View now. Here's the proverbial teaser: Enlarged Map View

Some battles are fought over strategically located space platforms to increase the military's tactical position. Others are matters of honor to be settled on ancient Protoss proving grounds. Most encounters, however, occur by mere chance in the wilderness of the galaxy. In these skirmishes, battlefield intelligence can be scarce and fate does not always provide each combatant with equally defensible terrain. In the wild you can find quickly yourself in a situation that requires you to adapt or be destroyed. 256x256 Jungle World, recommended for 2-8 players. Download now (265k)

Printable Spell Ranges and More
Blizz made a Special Abilities Ranges page (covers all three races and BW too) and just to be oh so cool added a printable version of it. The Terran Basic Buildings and Advanced Buildings pages have been updated to include info for Brood War.

GameGurus is Alive
If you've been trying to access GameGurus and haven't been able to go here. All will be explained.

Starcraft News for Jan. 22nd

Live Tech Support Chat for StarDraft
Tonight's the night that King Arthur is hosting the chat on to give out tech support on Camelot Systems software and answer any questions ya'll have about future software and any other embarrassing questions you can think to ask. The chat runs from 8pm - 11pm EST in channel Camelot Systems.

The Original Web Spinner
The co-creator of Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the Incredible Hulk creates a new cast of superheroes and unleashes them on the Web. Read full story by Ronald Warren Deutsch.

He Said She Said
The Dallas Observer recently published some not so nice articles on Ion Storm. Ion didn't like that too much. Seems they sent the reporter, Christine Biederman, a nasty little subpeona demanding her sources. Full story here.

Forums Open now has a forum online, so readers can discuss news, movie reviews, ZealotOnAStick's crusade against 3dfx, and their opinions on the Ravings of a Zealot the site is known for.

Feedback Wanted on Blizz Page
Shlonglor is asking for suggestions on the Blizzard webpages. Here's the post:

The Web team is always open to any suggestions you have on the web page. Feel free to tell us what you like, don't like, would like to see done in the future. Much of the stuff we have done in the last 6 months has been greatly due to good fan feedback. Post these web related comments in this forum (with my name), or send them to (please web related mails only)

This includes any problems and spelling/grammar fixes.

While we cannot do everything that is suggested at least we will know how you feel.

I think together we can create a page that everyone can enjoy.

Web Designer

Did a Professional Really Do This?
This has to be one of the cheeziest banners I've seen. But I'm guessing the over testosteroned will enjoy it :p

*ugh* I can't believe I posted this. But hey, if that was a pair of balls doing that dance i bet you guys would be going "huh??!" Just pointing out the injustices of the gaming world :p

South Park in March
The PC version of South Park should ship in March. Read more from Gamesmania here.

Heavy Gear II Contest
Activision is having a contest Jan. 25th - Feb. 7th with a chance to win a grand prize of a Diamond Monster 3D video card, a Diamond Monster Sound MX300 card, a Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro joystick, and "a pre-launch beta version of Heavy Gear II. Read more here and get a list of the other prizes and the link to enter.

Improve Your Half-Life Connection
GX has an article up on how to tweak the game to get the best multiplayer performance. Read it here.

Play Too Many Games?
Of course you do!! But find out if your hopeless (and get a few laughs) in this weeks Temporary Sanity by Wemmick.

Starcraft News for Jan. 21st

Blackstone Chronicles
I don't really know how to describe this game, I don't usually play puzzle types plus this one is based on John Saul’s Blackstone series (which I'm also unfamiliar with) but it does look kind of interesting. Read IGN's review here. If nothing else it might get you interested in the books.

GameCenters Guide to Brood War
It's got general tips, build orders, new units, game balance changes, and a SC unit chart. Guide starts here.

Heavy Gear II Movie
Gamecenter has an exclusive of Activisions Heavy Gear II opening movie. Download it here. (8.5mb .avi format)

Sign Up to Beta Test Civilization: Call to Power Now!
Head over to Gamespot's beta test center and register for your chance. They say "Call to Power beta testers will become part of Activision's Visioneers team, a group of outside testers who are used for many Activision games. Beta testers will receive complimentary copies of the final version and their names in the game's credits. " Can't beat that!

New StarDraft/Arsenal II/StatPrinter Released
Camelot Systems has released the latest version complete with those lovely bug fixes and new features. This is the same version that has been sent to PC Gamer for publication on one of their upcoming demo cd's. There's a lot of changes so download it and get the info at Camelot.

SC #1 in 1998
According to PC Data, Starcraft was numero uno in PC games sales for 1998, selling more than 1.5 million copies world wide. (No wonder is so screwed on the weekends :p More info in Bizzard's Press Release.

New Quake Mod
Abandon Hope is a new Quake mod. Different versions available for Quake II and each of the mission packs. Features include:

Cars Cars Cars!
AVault has a review up on S.C.A.R.S. and a preview up on Rollcage, two new arcade style race/combat games for the PC. Some nice screens of each are up and looks like a good read for those into the genre.

Starcraft News for Jan. 20th

Couple Bugs
There is a Command Center bug in SCv1.04 and BW v1.0 that has come to light. Since lots of ppl will use it, I guess it's only fair to let everyone in on it. All you do is move your CC right next to a mineral/gas patch, use 1-2 SCV's and the scv doesn't really have to move to mine it. This allows you to gather resources really fast.

There's also a bad AI script in BW that ~errtu~ told me about. Here's what he had to say about it.

When you take a collector unit, i.e. probe/scv/drone, at the start of the game and send it to a computer enemy's camp by attacking a building the AI will send all but about two of its collecting units to attack yours, if you run they will begin chasing you over the map (as long as they can see your unit) it only works if the AI has no fighting troops and I have only been able to make it work on collector units. The race you play has no bearing on this.

Blizz has been notified about both and will probably fix them in the next patch.

Camelot Systems Hosting Chat
Nows your chance to get all your tech support questions answered on Camelot Systems software. King Arthur will be hosting a live chat this Friday. Here's the email on it:

In a vain attempt at rumor control, tech support, bug report handling, and answering general questions, I'm going to be hosting a Chat on on this Friday at 8pm in channel "Camelot Systems" I'll be there, along with a few other Camelot Systems employees if possible to answer anyone's questions who stops by. If this proves to be a popular chat I'll try and do one every week at the same time, and introduce topics for disucssion as time goes by.

StarCraft News Letter
The StarCraft News Letter is a great way to get all the latest news for SC and BW if you don't have time to surf for it. You can subscribe by filling out this online form. Check out the new Starcraft Center webpage while your there.

Win a Voodoo Banshee is having a contest to give away three Voodoo Banshee 3Dfx Cards. All you have to do is answer some trivia. Nope they aren't easy, but all answers can be found somewhere at the site. If your feeling lucky, head here to the trivia test.

Camelot Expanding
Camelot Systems is adding software for other games now. There current passion is Need for Speed III, and they allready have a file editor, VIV Wizard ready to download. They've got a new hosted site Hacked Speed 3. This website provides custom cars, tracks and editors for NFS III. Check it out!

Starcraft News for Jan. 17th

CWAL Newsletter
CWAL has a newsletter??? Why didn't I know this?? Oh well, according to GameGirlz all you have to do to subscribe to the madness is email .

DirectX6.1 for Win98
This is straight from Blues News and I stress download at your own risk. Be sure to read the 1/16 post at Beta News for more info on the release.

DirectX 6.1 has not yet appeared on Microsoft's DX site, but if you're feeling daring, several sites, including BetaNews have linked to copies that are available for download from Microsoft's ConXion servers that they say is the final core build.

Brood War Screens
Sounds of Starcraft has added a Brood War Gallery with a ton of screens.

SC Comic Completed!
HoodZ finished his first Starcraft Comic and it was well worth the wait ! He got alot of positive feedback on it and plans on doing more, with BluD helping with the storyline next time. Check it out!! 13 pages but worth the load time :)

That Voice
If you'd like to know a little more about the woman behind the voices of Sarah Kerrigan, Diablo's Rogue and Gillian the Barmaid check out Glynnis Talkens webpage, Camptalk. You can still check out the interview with her at The Graveyard if you missed it earlier.

More Info on that Trojan
MSNBC has a little more info up on the new Picture.exe trojan and some new variations of it that are coming out. Story here.

Extreme Starcraft Reopens
Good news for Extreme Starcraft fans, they've reopened. Bad news is the only thing up so far is the news section.

Job Openings
RTS News is looking to expand and has several positions open. Check out the site for more info and to apply.

1 - CGI Person (Has to be able to create CGI news scripts)
2 - News reporters
2 - Section managers
1 - Sound of the week manager
2 - Reviewers

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