Sailor Moon is a series that has been around for more than 7 years, practically longer than Pokemon itself! However, during that time, it suffered, falling to the bottom of the charts. Now Sailor Moon is back up where it should be! In celebration for this, I have created a Video Game for it. Actually, Computer Game would be more appropriate. Anyway, the game is an RPG. In it, you can play as Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and many, many more. For those of you who don't know what Sailor Moon is, each character has specific elemental powers. For example, Sailor Jupiter possesses the harsh electricity of Jupiter, where thunderstorms are abundant. If you think about it, the only difference between Sailor Moon and Pokemon is the fact that people perform the attacks, not the Pokemon. As of now, the game is only 15% completed. However, already you can play a solid 20 minutes of fun. And with that, I think you are ready to download it. Click below and let the magic unfold...
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