Annual Report
Aims and Objectives
The Project aims to promote public and professional awareness of sickle cell and thalassaemia and related blood disorders in order to enable the development of an effective and efficient service for individuals, their families and the community as a whole.
These will be achieved by the following objectives-
Increasing awareness by developing and providing a comprehensive education and training programme for carers, community groups and relevant professionals.
Offering counselling/advice to those people living with sickle cell and thalassaemia and their families or carers.
Co-ordination/development of a voluntary screening programme for those ‘at risk’.
Providing support, advice and co-ordination of care to individuals and families where there is a major haemoglobin disorder.
Seeking sources of funding to assist those and their families, most at need.
Working closely with relevant Local Authority Departments, the Health Authority, Local NHS Trusts and other local voluntary and statutory bodies.
Encouraging the development of networking in order to obtain support for clients.
Establishing links with regional and national bodies involved in the development of sickle cell & thalassaemia services