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Yuuzhan Vong
Dead Pool
Which Star Wars Character will be the next one to make the 'final jump?'

Since the series is about to enter it's last and final year, I am re-evaluating my list of picks...
One of  *these* guys, I think, will be next...

Han Solo
This is a complete stab in the dark... but anyone who's made a stab in the dark knows that, more often than not, the lucky shot that falls
draws a lot of blood.
They started this series with the death of a main character, and I think they're going to end it with one, too. 
Naturally, my favorite character will probably get it. He'll die defending his kids and his wife and he'll probably join Chewbacca in the great Smuggler's Retirement Home beyond.

Lando Calrissian
He managed to worm his way out of death in RoTJ, I doubt he'll make it through the 'Vong.
Even if he survives, his career won't. 
He barely rates a page or two now and again in this series. Yet I still think the Powers that Be are going to hand him his hat. If they don't kill Han Solo, they'll definitely kill this guy.

Kyp Durron
He is seriously in need of some dire jumpage -- and not from Jaina, either.
Would someone please drop him in a dovin basal? I'm still holding out for his triumphant return to the Oneness of the Force. 
Die already, you pompous shmuck.!

Admiral Ackbar
Yeah, ok, this is a gimme, but I need more successful numbers in my dead pool 'picks list' to justify having this page at all. So sue me! Mmmmm! Fresh Calamari, anyone?

Yes, he's a cool character. Yes, he's every bit as brave and resourceful as his famous uncle, Chewbacca. That kind of heroic behavior can only get one killed in 
The New Jedi Disorder.

My MONEY is STILL on Kyp Durron.
Dark Side Devotee that he could be for another rippling series
of silly Jedi Power Battles, I just don't see any point at all to his character.
Cut 'im loose.
However, I'm getting a funny tingle (stop laughing!) about Han Solo.
I think I might just be right... I hope I'm not.
Survivors List

Jacen Solo
One lucky sonuvabitch. Took a whole book centered on HIM to make him somewhat popular... and to make him grow a pair. Finally!

Mara Jade Skywalker
What a load of afterbirth. Looks like this spinoff character managed to make the majors and won't be dying anytime soon.
Besides, she has to hunt down Nom Anor and kill him, right?

Wedge Antilles
What? They bring him out of retirement so they can kill him? He survived TWO Death Star attacks and three movies... not to mention IRL his nephew is Obi-Wan Kenobi 
(one of the few characters that we KNOW will live through the Prequels.)

Ben Skywalker
Those writers seem pretty pent up on their own self importance, running amok over everything their colleagues managed to build after over 15 years of pretty good science fiction, but they have yet to murder babies. 
However, I wouldn't put it past them.

Luke Skywalker
A freebie. Only an idiot would write out the death of his Granddaddy Cashcow Main Character. Luke's death will be one of those 'appendix style' Tolkien deaths that don't necessarily happen so much as they are alluded to in a general sense. If you haven't read about Aragorn's death in the "Return of the King" appendix, then you don't know what I'm talking about... but you should.


Borsk Fey'lya (R.I.P.)

I bet if you shaved off all that hair you'd find the body of yet another Kennedy politician...
Not much fur left to shave... 
'Kintan strider death gambit' my ass.

Honestly, though, I didn't expect little Anakin Solo getting AXED.

  R.I.P. (Jedi Healing Trance..?)
If he isn't REALLY dead... then he is at least extremely smelly.
It's been about six months since his death, and a Jedi healing trance could STILL be in effect...
But unless they get some 'stirring in the Force' in the next book, he's hosed.
You'd THINK though, that he'd have come back as a 'Force Ghost' by NOW!
He was at one with the Force when he got his alluvial dampeners handed to him.

OR add your OWN guesses!!!


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