Battle Ravage (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
No. in Series: 11
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Jet black, light milky gray, and some chrome silver, silver, metallic cherry red, white, flat red, clear tinted plastic, transparent red, and metallic orange
Rating: 9.1

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Alternator Tracks. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Alternator Tracks here.)

    Making Ravage an Alternator is certainly an... interesting choice, to say the least. First off, the mold changes-- there actually aren't many when compared to the other remolds. One of the mold changes that I can see are that the hood of the vehicle mode has been removed, thus making Ravage a Chevrolet Corvette convertible. Though I wish they had also removed the shallow pegs on the top of the windshield, too... without a hood to cover them up, they kinda stick out from the otherwise streamlined, curved shape of the windshield. The other mold change, obviously, is the robot head-- it's now G1 Ravage's head. The mouth can also open and close slightly, though he can't open it up all the way. Making Ravage as just a remold of Tracks rather bugs me, though. I mean, there's a TON of G1 car Transformers. Why Ravage, of all 'bots? He was a cougar in one mode, a tape in the other! Now, I can understand changing the characters to a certain extent-- I wouldn't have had any problem at all if Ravage had changed from a car into an actual robotic panther. But he's now a humanoid car-bot with just a cougar face! It just looks so totally out of place. I mean, they could have at least remolded the hands and feet to make them more claw-like, or make SOMETHING animalistic about Ravage besides just his face. I mean, even Ravage's short appearance in the Beast Wars cartoon show gave him other animalistic characteristics-- he had a smooth, feline form, and a tail. Alternator Ravage has none of that. As for the color scheme, though, it's awesome-- black, gray, and that great metallic red go together exceptionally well and are, of course, fitting for Ravage.
    Alternator Ravage has a great color scheme, but the character just should not have been made into an Alternator. The feline face is just too out of place, and it's not a fitting update of the character, especially when you consider how many other G1 car 'cons are still out there, waiting for an update. As such, even though I like the color scheme itself better than Tracks', I can't bring myself to recommend him over the former, because it's just too weird seeing Ravage transform from a car to a humanoid robot with a cougar head...

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Review by Beastbot

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