Autobot Tracks (Alternator)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
No. in Series: 5
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Dark metallic blue, black, metallic brownish gray, transparent tinted plastic, and some white, silver, sky blue, light red, metallic orange, chrome silver, and transparent red
Rating: 9.3

    Tracks is a Chevrolet Corvette Z06. Again, like it is with all Alternators, this is an excellently done mode. No robot extras to speak off, adjustable seats, mirrors, and steeting wheel, detailed interior, rubber tires, openable hood and side doors, and the like. Pretty much a flawless mode, really, if you ignore the couple of lines going through the car's structure, necessary for transformation, that wouldn't be there on a normal car, but that's obviously to be expected. I especially like the little logos on the front and rear of the car, and that delicious metallic blue-- it looks like real car metal, it does. Can't get any better than this, folks.
    In robot mode, Tracks is still pretty good, but he does suffer from a bit of kibble. The front and rear windshield on his back just kind of hang there without really looking like anything, though at least they manage to stay out of the way some. He also has parts of the front of his car hanging off the back of his feet, too, and these can get in the knee articulation some. His side doors do hang off his waist, but unlike his other kibble, these look like something; namely, a kind of medieval "skirt", similar to that on RiD Prowl. As for his articulation, Tracks' is pretty good; he can move at the head, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), the wrists, his index finger, his other four fingers (as a whole), his hips, his knees (at two points), and his ankles. So pretty much every point except his waist has excellent movement. His color scheme adds more grey and black into this mode, whith a bit of silver, white, and red for detailing. It's not exactly the most original color scheme, but it's certainly not dull, and works well, especially considering that it's pretty much spot-on like that of G1 Tracks. (As is the head design.) Tracks also has a feature rare among Alternators, and that is that he can hold his own in the weapons department. Not only does he have the obligatory engine-gun (though it looks more like an engine than a gun), but he also has (non-firing) rocket launchers over his shoulders. Again, this is a pretty big throwback to his G1 version. However, these launchers are on somewhat loose joints, at least on mine, so they tend to swivel around easily-- this can get rather annoying. Tracks also has guns coming out of his upper arms that resemble exhaust pipes, and they look quite cool.
    Autobot Tracks is a pretty cool Alternator, with a great color scheme, vehicle mode, articulation, proportions, and his fair share of weapons. He does suffer a little from kibble in robot mode, but it's not nearly as bad as, say, Alternator Sideswipe. Highly recommended.

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Review by Beastbot

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