Ravage's car mode is
as you'd expect from the Alternator line-- pretty much perfect, with no
beast mode extras. He's got nifty chrome headlights and tail lights, rubber
tires, a detailed interior with adjustable seats and steering wheel, and
a trunk that can open. Due to the construction of the toy, however, Ravage
does have two other features in car mode that most other Alternators do--
his front hood can't open up, and his front wheels don't have that "front
wheel drive" schtick going on. Being a Jaguar XK, this vehicle mode in
black is a perfect fit for the Ravage character, so I can see why Hasbro
decided to give Ravage another go in the Alternators line after getting
the Jaguar license and hearing some of the complaints that Alternator
Battle Ravage got from some fans over being humanoid.
This time around, Ravage
has a bonafied beast mode, like his G1 version.
He's easily recognizable as a Jaguar, and his overall proportions are pretty
spot-on-- his body isn't too long or his legs too short or anything. He
even has his hip-mounted rocket launchers like his original cassette version,
though they don't fire. His articulation is pretty good considering his
unusual construction-- he can move back-and-forth at the shoulders, ankles,
and knees of all four legs, which a bit more freedom of movement at the
knees on the front legs, but a bit more freedom of movement at the shoulders
on the back legs. His tail is articulated at three different places, and
his head can move up-and-down at the base of the neck, on a ball joint
where the neck meets the head, and the jaw can open and close too. The
lack of real backwards movement at the front shoulders is the only thing
that's really keeping him from getting a ton of cool poses, though he still
can pull of a fair number of them. The way the light purple, red, and silver
accents all of his black looks really, really nice, though the royal purple
paint markings on his head, while cool-looking, are rather hard to make
out if he's not under strong light. The main problem I have with Ravage
in this mode-- and indeed, what accounts for pretty much every downside
this toy has-- is that his main body isn't substantial enough. You can
see through it quite easily from any angle, as it's just the various hood
and window panels from vehicle mode just piled on top of each other with
a fairly skinny line of plastic connecting everything together at the center.
Maybe somehow taking the hood on top of Ravage's upper back and splitting
that in half would have helped make the main body look more substantial--
whatever the case, Ravage looks a bit weak design-wise in that respect,
even though I wouldn't change a thing about his overall proportions or
Alternator Ravage 2.0
is definitely the most original Alternator design of them all. As you'd
expect, he has a near-perfect vehicle mode, and some great proportions
and look in robot mode, but his main body is way too insubstanial and not
solid-looking enough. Still, a recommended buy. I mean, having a Jaguar
car turn into a mechanical Jaguar is just pure genius, no two ways around
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Review by Beastbot