Anakin Skywalker (Class I; Episode II Starfighter)
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Bluish gray, dull dark metallic blue, yellow, and some silver, light sky blue, transparent light blue, white, metallic bronze, dark metallic brown, and metallic blue
Rating: 8.1

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Class I Episode II Starfighter Obi-Wan Kenobi. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Class I Episode II Starfighter Obi-Wan Kenobi here.)

    What's this? A mold that HASN'T been redecoed into Anakin Skywalker?! Well, we'll rectify that! All joking aside, Anakin gets another of his arsenal of mechs from the line in the form of a smaller version of the Episode II Starfighter, to mirror his larger version. Anakin's main color on most of his SWTFs has been yellow, and if you've been reading my reviews for a while you know that-- with very few exceptions-- I don't like yellow as a main color. So Anakin's vehicle mode doesn't look as good to me as the other iterations of this mold, though the deco patterns are fairly neat and-- in fairness-- they contrast better with the grayish blue than on the flatter brownish gray seen on his larger "Class II" version of this design. The metallic dark brown cockpit window also looks pretty good even by itself, but contrasts well with the surrounding colors, too. In mech mode, the colors of his clothing are duplicated fairly well with dark brown and a fair amount of dark blue. It's not the most interesting color scheme in the world, but it certainly fits Anakin well and the colors definitely don't clash. He's also got a good amount of paint detailing, as you'd expect from a Star Wars Transformer-- even little details like his R2 unit are detailed, along with three different colors of paint on his face.
    No mold changes have been made to this version of Anakin Skywalker except, as you'd expect, the mech mode head. Given the size, more mechanized look, and more "square" hair detailing, this one might as well be a duplicate of his Episode III Starfighter version of this class size-- which would certainly be fitting, given the whole thing about them being the same character.
    The Class I Episode II Starfighter version of Anakin isn't bad per se, but it's difficult to see why this toy was needed, exactly. Anakin's got a bazillion other SWTFs (including two others of this general design), he's got two other toys just in the Class I size (THREE others if you count Vader), and the other uses of this mold have better color schemes. Thus, I'd only recommend him for Anakin or SWTF completists.

Anakin Skywalker (Class I Episode II Starfighter) Bio:
Flying his Jedi starfighter, Anakin Skywalker chases Asajj Ventress to a remote planet. Asajj lures him into a canyon and causes an explosion that traps Anakin under tons of rubble. The Jedi changes his fighter to a mighty robot that smashes the boulders and frees Anakin!

Review by Beastbot

(Images from Hasbro.)

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