Autobot Jazz (Cyber Slammer)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Moderately light milky gray, black, and some light red, light metallic silvery blue, dull metallic purple, dark red, dark metallic copper, and dull yellow
Rating: 4.4

    Next to possibly Brawl, Jazz is the most deformed out of all the Cyber Slammers in vehicle mode-- the bottom portion of the car is REALLY huge compared to the teeny windows and roof, even moreso than the other Cyber Slammers. It's still definitely recognizable as Jazz, though, and all has the appropriate colors and detailing. The detailing on his front is particularly good, with even the teensy Pontiac logo painted. It's odd, since his back bumper has the taillights painted, but other than that nothing's painted back there, when some of the mold details are just begging for it. Overall, though, Jazz is pretty simple-looking-- as he should be, given the age group he's aimed at-- with only the necessary mold detailing. As with pretty much all the Jazz toys, the milky gray would have looked a lot better as metallic silver, but it still certainly doesn't look bad and the colors don't clash, they're just a little boring in vehicle mode. There's is a bit of a problem with Jazz's Cyber Slammer gimmick, however; he doesn't lock into place quite as well as most other Cyber Slammers-- the middle part sticks up noticeable more than the front part of Jazz's vehicle mode, which is a little distracting.
    Like all Cyber Slammers, Jazz can be locked in car mode by pushing the white tab on the bottom of the toy forward-- otherwise, when you slam down Jazz's robot body into his car mode, the car will take off (providing he's on a flat surface), and after scooting about six feet or so the robot mode body will pop back up again. Because of this gimmick, Jazz doesn't really have any lower body in robot mode, just most of his car mode. His main body, head, and arms are molded onto the underside of his car mode roof and doors. As for articulation, it's like any Cyber Slammer's-- his head can turn and his arms can move at the shoulders, though the latter snap back into their default position after you let go of them. Jazz's mold detailing is very good, though, with his chest and arms being particularly well-detailed both in terms of the mold and in terms of the paint apps. The dark copper on the chest and stomach looks really good against the gray and black, and Jazz's face sculpt is very good, being a little "cutesy" with the visor and forehead being bigger than normal, but not over-doing it and still making Jazz look rather serious.
    Cyber Slammer Jazz is a little below-average compared to the other Cyber Slammers, mainly because of his inability for his parts to sit completely flush in vehicle mode and because of his rather dull color scheme. He still has some nice detailing, though, and is a fine choice for kids too young for the mainline toys or FABs who still want a Jazz toy.

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Review by Beastbot

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