Optimus Prime [Legends] (Movie)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark blue, black, moderately dark dull red, and some silver, metallic dark blue, metallic red, and metallic sky blue
Rating: 6.7

    Optimus Prime's truck cab mode is replicated surprisingly well for such a small-scale toy, with no robot extras whatsoever in this mode. The only thing that this mode seems to suffer from design-wise is that the rear hauler portion of the truck is way too short proportionally, which looks rather odd. Other than that, this mode is pretty solid. The colors are duller than on the other versions of Movie Prime, for some reason-- usually the red is a light shade, but it's a dark, dull shade on this toy. It still goes very well with the dark blue, though, and Legends Prime has plenty of paint apps on the front portion of this mode-- the flame paint apps are surprisingly detailed for being so small, so they're especially impressive. The rear half of this mode is completely lacking in paint apps, though, and it really could've used a few as it doesn't have the color contrast that the front half does. Oh, and he only has a smokestack on the left side of this mode-- what's up with THAT?
    Prime's robot mode does suffer a bit from being at this small of a scale. His arms are just molded on the inside of part of his truck mode-- not something I'm really crazy about, but something that is acceptable at this cale. Coupled with the wide, flat chest, it makes Prime look a bit beefier than he actually is in this movie, however. The robot arms are also completely devoid of paint apps, which doesn't look so hot, though the well-done paint apps on the chest and head partially make up for this. The legs are of a rather odd construction, and are my main complaint with the toy-- having the knees stick out so far ahead of the upper legs looks really weird, and he doesn't really have any toes to speak of, either. (His wide, blocky lower legs do make him pretty stable, though.) Another big downside to this mode is that a hinge on his waist is really, really loose, to the point where his waist comes undone all the time, which can obviously get rather annoying. As far as articulation goes, Prime has about what you'd expect from a toy this small-- he has ball-joint movement at the shoulders and hips, but that's it.
    Legends Movie Prime is about average as far as Legends class figures go-- he has one pretty good mode (his vehicle mode), but his other mode suffers a bit from the small scale (his robot mode). Unless you're a huge Prime fan, just spring for the Fast Action Battler version or the Voyager class version if you don't want to spend the big bucks on the $40 version.

Optimus Prime Tech Specs:
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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