
Real Name: John Allerdyce (at least, it was in the old comic series; he wasn't referred to by his real name in Evolution)

Mutant Power: Ability to control fire (although it should be noted that he can't produce fire on his own- hence the flamethrower that's part of his suit)

Voice Actor: Michael Dobson (who also does the voice of Starscream in Armada and Energon, and also does the X-M:E voices of Caliban and Blob)

First Appearance: "Day of Reckoning, Part 1"

Back Story: Sometime in Season Two (before the final two-parter), Pyro was recruited into Magneto's team. Any more back story beyond that is unknown- although at some point in the future, given Xavier's future visions in "Ascension, Part 2", he'll join the Brotherhood.

Personality: Pyro's a stereotype Australian who laughs a lot- he apparently loves his job quite a bit. Oh, yeah, and he's completely manically INSANE. He also apparently doesn't like Magneto very much, since he's laughing at his supposed death in "Cajun Spice".

Final Reflections: Pyro was a fun character, although he was a pretty shallow one- he didn't do much besides laugh maniacally and torch stuff. He would always make you smile, though- his voice actor did a great job. Oh, and his costume was awesome. The other versions of Pyro, even if some of them keep the insane personality, just can't compare with this guy.

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