Arcee (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, light pinkish red, and some clear plastic, transparent light blue, and pale pinkish silver
Rating: 7.2

    Arcee's alternate mode is a motorcycle, just like her team members. Her main color is a rather flat pinkish red-- honestly not the best color. I understand Hasbro's reluctance to make her wholly pink and black, but they should've gone for a deeper red. This rather flat, light red just doesn't look all that great-- though it does contrast well with the black. The silver paint apps, however, are too light to really contrast with the red much. Plus, Arcee's a little light on the paint apps anyways, with a lot of excellent mold detailing-- particularly on her black pieces near the middle of her body-- sadly not receiving any paint. The "Cyberglyphics" near the front of the vehicle look excellent, however. As far as robot mode extras go, one of her hands is a bit obviously poking out on one side, though it's black like the surrounding pieces, which helps to mitigate this downside somewhat. Other than that, no obvious extras in this mode. Arcee also comes with a sidecar attachment that can also be side-mounted like a weapon. Gotta love the huge chainguns molded onto the side of this accessory-- they definitely give her some decent firepower. A shame they can't really fire missiles or anything.
    Like her sister Chromia, Arcee has a highly unorthodox robot mode, with a long curvy uni-leg ending in wheels. Her sidecar accessory serves as a stand in this mode, allowing her to stay remarkably stable in pretty much whatever pose you put her in, despite the fact that she's pretty tall for a deluxe. Some may not like the survey, snake-like torso ending in wheels, but I'm rather intrigued by it and like unusual robot modes if it isn't merely a side-product of laziness (which I don't think this is, given the creative transformation). The arms, though I'm not fond of. Her right arm is just an absolutely mess, a skinny actual appendage surrounding by bits of the shell of her motorcycle mode. It just looks terrible. Her left arm is a little better, being formed rather interestingly out of her seat from motorcycle mode and with a pop-out blade on the top of it. However, the seat/lower arm is so bulky compared to the upper arm it gets in the way of articulation. Arcee actually has a rather normal chest-- though it sticks out a bit too much-- and her face sculpt is identical to Chromia's. You either like it or you don't; myself, I think it looks a bit too evil for a female Autobot. She has a slot near the back of her body that was supposed to be used for a combination with all three bike sisters that sadly never came to fruition, but it's still on the figure. As for articulation, Arcee can move at the neck (at two places), right shoulder (at two places), left shoulder, elbows, and along her long snaky waist at four points. As mentioned earlier, however, her vehicle mode kibble can get in the way of arm movement a bit.
    RotF Arcee, like Chromia, has a pretty good motorcycle mode and a very unusual robot mode. However, unlike Chromia, Arcee actually has a stomach, just a highly unorthodox robot design. I rather like the general concept, though I think overall her arms are poorly done and the right one in particular seems like a thought. Consider me down with the long snaky waist-- though it's up to you whether you like this large of a departure from the Transformers norm, of course. It's certainly not for everyone. If you do pick up this mold though, I'd recommend one of the store-exclusive redecos over this one-- the color scheme for the mainline release is kinda blah and not varied enough.

Arcee Bio:
Arcee jumped at the chance to join up with Ironhide and the other Decepticon hunters on Earth. She proved such an effective warrior that she was quickly given command of her own strike team, made up of robots similar to her in attitude and design. Together with the Autobots she leads, she stalks the Decepticons in silence, creeping close enough to look them in the optics before she strikes.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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