Jolt (Legend) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dark blue, black, metallic black, and some silver and light sky blue
Rating: 6.4

    Jolt's Chevy Volt mode is fairly accurately represented in his Legends class figure, with the proportions being pretty much spot-on. The only eyesore is a piece down the middle of the rear end of the car mode, which is used as part of the waist of the robot mode. The details on it don't fit with the windows it sits besides-- not to mention it's a different color from the blue pieces next to it for no particular reason. Jolt has all the necessary mold details in this mode, and the paint detailing on his front bumper works quite well, with the silver being a great contrast color against the dark blue. However, there's no paint apps at all on the rear end. The windows and roof are painted a metallic black, but unfortunately it's a dark color right next to another dark color-- it's hard to tell there's even paint there at all except under strong light. They should've lightened up that accent color a bit.
    Jolt's transformation, though quite simple, is also pretty unique for a Legends class figure-- unfortunately, in this case unique is bad. Jolt's hips stick out in front of his body to a very awkward degree, and his legs are pretty much forced to look like they're at a backwards angle due to the way the mold is constructed. Because of this-- and the fact that Jolt can move slightly at the ankles, which are somewhat loose-- means he can fall foward a bit easily. He also has the front part of the car mode sticking out behind his head, and it sticks out quite far, so it looks pretty awkward, and is hardly a piece of vehicle mode kibble that you can simply pass off as just a bit of a backpack. His arms are molded onto the side of his car doors-- complete with little whips molded into said doors, as well. They're nothing extraordinary, but for this size class they're not awkward either, so I don't really have much problem with them. His head and chest are also well-detailed and proportioned, so no problems there. Unfortunately, Jolt doesn't get many robot mode paint apps-- his head has some nice silver-and-light-blue paint k,but otherwise all of his paint is used on his vehicle mode parts. As for articulation, he can move at the shoulders (at two points), the hips, the knees (though mostly only forward, due to the transformation), and ankles (with the same restriction as the knees). His head can also look up a bit, again due primarily to the transformation. Given how awkwardly positioned his hips and feet are, however, he looks even odder if you pose more than just his arms or head.
    I appreciate Hasbro trying something new with Legends class Jolt's transformation, but unfortunately here it falls flat. Although his car mode is, for the most part, pretty good, his robot mode has some pretty awful downsides, mainly the big part of the car mode sticking up behind his back and the extremely awkward proportions and posing of his legs. He also could really use a bit more contrast in his colors, as well. Unless you're really strapped for cash, get the deluxe class version of the character instead.

Jolt Tech Specs:
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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