Optimus Prime (Legend) [RotF]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light milky gray, dark blue, moderately light red, and some silver and black
Rating: 7.5

    Instead of just re-painting the original Movie Legends toy of Optimus Prime, he gets an all-new mold in the size class for Revenge of the Fallen. His truck mode is a bit of an improvement over the previous one, with better, sharper cab proportions in the front and more visible smokestacks. Everything tabs together very solidly, so no wiggly bits here. All of the necessary details are painted, and the overall color scheme looks a little better than on the first movie's Legends toy-- the dark blue is a particuarly nice shade, and the red ain't too shabby, either. The light milky gray is as dull as ever, though, and using it for hte sides of part of the cab doesn't look too hot-- perhaps painting them blue would've made it look better. The mold detailing is pretty decent, with such small details like the roof-mounted headlihgts and even the rivets on the side door steps molded in. He doesn't have as many flames as his previous version, though-- only the very front of the cab has the blue flames, there's no red flames on the body whatsoever. Unfortunately, just like with the first Legends toy, the back end of the cab is horribly--almost comically-- undersized, though at least it's colored properly this time around and not QUITE as bad as it was with the first Legends mold.
    Prime's robot mode on this version is MUCH better than on the first movie's Legends class attempt, though. For one, he's got actual arms, and not just hollow details on the underside of some vehicle parts. The chest is also proportioned MUCH better and more movie-accurate, and the head design-- even though it's sculpted on the front of a square piece of the vehicle mode-- looks pretty good proportoinally and has a very nice, detailed sculpt. I'm still not particularly enthused about the legs-- they're a bit too long proportionally, and the feet aren't very accurate, plus there's a noticeable gap between the top of the feet pieces and the surrounding lower leg pieces. Still, it's definitely an improvement over the first Legends class toy in that respect. As far as articulation goes, he's got about average movement for a toy of his size-- he can move at the shoulders, elbows, and hips. His feet can also bend forward slightly, but that's entirely due to the transformation.
    RotF Legends Optimus Prime is a pretty good improvement over TF1 Legends Optimus Prime in nearly ever respect, whether you're talking about movie-accuracy, color scheme, or especially proportions. Granted, he's not the best toy-- he IS a Legends class approximation of a very complex screen design, after all-- but it's quite a good, cheap substitute for anyone who either can't afford the larger, more movie-accurate versions of the character or just doesn't want the complex transformations that comes with those versions. (Could REALLY use some less of that blah milky gray, though...)

Optimus Prime Tech Specs:
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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