Autobot Springer (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Dull military green, dull gray, and some dark metallic gunmetal gray, light orange, dull brownish orange, silver, and dull bluish green
Rating: 8.1

    Springer here is a bit of a unique case for a Legend-- apparently he was actually going to be in the movie briefly in early scripts, but was cut in one of the later stages. Not late enough for a Legends figure of him to already be far enough in the process where Hasbro figured they might as well release him, though, so here he is. Springer's vehicle mode, true to one of his G1 alt modes, is a helicopter (an osprey helicopter, though, not a single-blade one), and looks prety darn good, particularly for a Legends class figure. The proportions are pretty spot-on (and yes, they can spin easily), with only minor robot mode extras, like the robot feet under his tailfin and, on a lesser note, the hands underneath the propellers. (As a side effect of this, though the propellers CAN rotate upwards, but if they do the fists stick out blatantly in the front.) He has a pretty good amount of mold detailing, with little panels and whatnot molded in everywhere, though the paint apps are a bit less impressive. The cockpit is painted nicely, as is the rather clever "5PR1N63R" on the wings, but the tail end has pretty much no paint, nor due the propellers. The overall color scheme of dark green and greenish gray works fairly well together, being both realistic but not too dull, and a nice G1 homage to boot-- no complaints there.
    Springer also has a surprisingly good robot mode for a Legends class toy. His shoulder bits get in the way a bit, and the tail wings stick out rather blatantly from his ankles, but otherwise his proportions are, again, pretty good, and the way his propeller-wings convert into his arms remind me of a more simplified version of the first Movie's Incinerator toy-- only with actual hands this time around! I also like the propellers on the back of the hands-- it's not hard to see them as some sort of wrist mounted saw-like weapon. His pilot-like face sculpt is also pretty fitting for a robot mode with an alt mode like his, and the paint detailing seems a bit more apparent in robot mode, with some nice colors like orange and dark gunmetal gray helping to break up the green and gray. Springer's big weakness in robot mode, however, is definitely his articulation. He can only move a thte hips, shoulders, elbows, and inward at the wrists. But it's even more restricted than that-- Springer can't move forward or back at the shoulders at all, and his front-to-back movement at the elbows is quite limited as well, so he can't exactly pull off many cool poses.
    RotF Springer is a pretty good Legends figure overall, with a design that translates well to both modes-- and one that looks movie-esque while still being a decent homage to his G1 version. His very limited articulation in robot mode is his only Achilles' Heel-- if that doesn't bother you that much, then I'd definitely recommend picking this little guy up. It's not like he has a bigger, more articulated and detailed version available, after all.

Autobot Springer Tech Specs:
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 4.0

Review by Beastbot

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