Scattorshot (RotF)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Scout
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dark navy blue, milky gray, black, and some moderately light milky brown, dull metallic bronze, silver, and pale metallic gold
Rating: 8.5

    Scattorshot is an homage to the Cybertron character of the same name, as is evident from his character bio, general alt mode, and color scheme. In vehicle mode, Scattorshot's an anti-aircraft military vehicle. The proportions in this mode are pretty darn good, with one minor exception-- for whatever reason, the rear end of Scattorshot is higher than the front, and slants downwards a bit towards the front. It's a slight oddity, when looked at from a side view. Scattorshot has no obvious robot extras in this mode, though a close look will reveal just the tips of his hands towards the back of the roof, and a couple of slightly unsightly panels near that area as well that are required for transformation. His color scheme, while reminiscent of his Cybertron namesake, is a bit duller and more realistic, with dark navy blue being offset by a rather blah milky gray. The brown serves as a more visually interesting secondary color, but it's not used enough. The paint detailing-- particularly the metallic colors-- serve as nice highlights, howeve.r Scattorshot's mold detailing is downright excellent, with little rivets and mechanical detailing all over the place, as well as patches of "armor plating". The way the pistons and such are molded into his front end are particularly crisp. His amount of paint detailing is slightly more sparse, but most of the big details, such as the windows and headlights, are painted. The front bumper really could've used some paint, though, along with a bit more on the back half of the mode. Scattorshot's two topside guns can move at two points each-- they can independently rotate and they can move up and down at the base, so they can "fire" in almost any direction.
    Scattorshot's robot mode mode is considerably less influenced by his Cybertron incarnation than his vehicle mode (read: not at all). It's the weaker of his two mode, but it's still pretty decent. His proportions are pretty good for the most part-- the exception to this is his rather odd arms, which are too square and also way too skinny. His vehicle parts fold up nicely around his feet, but the panels on his lower arms kind just hang there, and it's pretty obvious that the back third of his vehicle mode is around his chest and head. Still, none of it gets in the way of movement. His mold detailing remains excellent, with littke pistons and the like molded in the appropriate places, but I'm not all that fond of the faux "vehicle front" chest, given how A. he's a toy-only character, so why bother with the fake vehicle bits and B. the front of the vehicle is quite obviously not anywhere near his chest, but become his feet instead. His head sculpt is very unique and well-done-- I particularly love the "gas mask" details on the mouth-- but it looks pretty darn creepy and evil-- definitely more belonging to a Decepticon than an Autobot. The color scheme is broken up a bit more in this mode, and though there's a bit more of the boring grey, there isn't too much of any one color in one place, which helps distract from his general lack of paint apps in robot-specific areas. Scattorshot's articulation is one of the best things about his robot mode-- he can move at the neck, shoulders, elbows (at two points), side-to-side at the wrists, and at the waist, hips, knees, and ankles-- that's every major point accounted for on a SCOUT toy! Given his large, stable feet, this means he can pull off a ton of poses for being such a small toy. Oh, and one last point-- his guns, which are normally pegged into place on his lower arms, can be removed and put aside if you don't want to pose him with them.
    RotF Scattorshot is one of the better scout molds in the line, with a great vehicle mode and a pretty decent robot mode. His robot mode are where most of his more major problems reside, such as the big chunk of the vehicle mode around his head/chest and his overly skinny arms, but these are mostly overcome with his excellent posability and cool twin guns. Recommended, particularly if you liked the Cybertron Scattorshot character.

Scattorshot Bio:
Scattorshot usually finds surprise attacks upsetting, if only because they interrupt whatever careful plans he's laid out. Chaos bugs him like nothing else, and nothing is as chaotic as an unplanned battle. Still, he can't help but laugh as Divebomb helplessly dodges his fire. Little does he suspect, but a second Decepticon is sneaking up on him from behind.
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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