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A report from one of our informants gives clues onto a hopeful star of the next movie. Minor Spoilers so highlight away:
Cinema Review has interviewed Matt Damon who said he had 'something very special' coming up at some time soon and it involved some 'intergalactic adventures'. Could this be a Star Wars movie? Possibly Episode III since it hasn't been filmed yet but Episode IV is definately likely. Damon is going to appear in Kevin Smith's 'Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back' movie which also stars Mark Hamill, rumoured to be playing the clone of Anakin."

Another report from the
Official Site on the director of Episode IV, confirming rumours we received earlier in the week. Follow this link.

This is a confirmation of several spoilers from a few months ago (
1, 2, 3): [Highlight] George Lucas has let Declan Mulholland anounce is role."I am very happy to be a part of this soon to be legendary saga" says Mulholland he pauses and starts to speak again"I am going to be playing Jabba the Hutt" he latter told the press that It is only a minor roll and that he'll be just standing in for the CG charecter to be added in after post production. [End spoilers]
So it is true. I'm guessing Mr. Lucas is releasing this information early to get the message through to everyone that there will indeed be 6 chapters to the saga.

Information on the directors of the new movies. [Highlight]:
"New just in Lucas will be director of SW4, but not SW5 but Spielburg will Direct it, but I don't know about SW6." [End spoilers]

Info on the character Boba Fett in Episode IV has arrived as well as details on a scene that may be in the movie. [Highlight]:

"I have some news about Episode II's 12 year old Boba Fett's cameo in SW4, he won't have a very big role in fact he wont even speak any lines at all, you'll only see him behind Jabba the Hutt when Jabba's talking to Han Zoler/Luke Skywalker."
[End spoilers]

Somewhat late but this is our first report of 2001. A spy has found a supposed cast listing for Episode IV. High light to read:
Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker/Han Zoler)
Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia Organa)
Ralph Fiennes (Grand Moff Tarkin)
Ewan McGregor (Obi-wan)
Natalie Portman (Padme Organa)
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO)
Kenny Baker (R2-D2)
Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker)
Joel Edgerton (Owen Lars)
Bonnie Piesse(Beru Lars)
James Earl Jones (Voice of Darth Vader)

Having looked into the first names I have got some doubts. The actors Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher seem a lot older than we'd expect the characters to be. If this movie is set 20 years after Episode III it is unrealistic that Anakin's son would be around 40 - that's about the same age as Anakin. UNLESS "Luke Skywalker" is in fact a clone of Anakin but that begs the question why would they hire a different actor to play the part?
On another note it seems to confirm Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen but look at the name next to Natalie Portman -
Padme Organa!!! Does she marry Bail Organa at some point? And is this "Princess Leia" their daughter? Still, none of this is confirmed and there is quite a long time to go until the release of the movie.

15/12/2000, the site in which George Lucas revealed he was making the second trilogy has a report on who may be directing it. It seems that producer Rick McCallum has said that Lucas has been "tired throughout the making of Episode II but will fulfil his commitments on the third movie." To add to the rumour-mill he went on to discuss the next Indiana Jones installment saying that, "Steven [Spielberg] has been interested in working on a Star Wars movie since TPM was released."
Hmm, could we be seeing Mr Spielberg directing Episode IV of the saga? That could turn out to be one heck of a movie!!!

The first bit of news is a report from DarthZoler, our supposed spy in the works with some interesting info. [highlight to read spoilers]: "
The release of new photos on the Official Site brought to mind some things I've heard in passing around the offices. I'm not sure how you want to take them but here goes - supposedly Threepio (who now has platings) will be a different colour by Episode IV - silver! Also, there'll be a scene like the now pretty much confirmed Episode II one!"

HOT NEWS!!!!!!!!
Official Site has updated with information on the casting of Obi-Wan in Episode IV. This is the first official info we've had so far. Follow this link to check it out!

An insider called DarthZoler sent this in today along with several other reports I have been told not to reveal for a while - but believe me, if true they're pretty hot! Serious spoilers Highlight:
"I work inside Lucas and it is true that the script has been written - at least an early draft of it. From what I can make out this "Princess Leia Organa" is NOT Bail Organa's daughter but rather a pseudoname used by Padmé to hide from Anakin after he becomes a Sith Lord - something you'll see definate signs of in Episode II!"
This report confirms the previous one. Anakin may very likely become the rumoured "Darth Vader". Wow! No one expected that. Could be that Anakin and Padmé's son, Luke (or 'Han Zoler' as he is known to the galaxy) will try to hunt him down!

A report today has possibleinformation on a battle in Episode III and the origin of Episode IV's Sith! [Highlight to read]:
"In SW3 Anakin falls into a pit of lava after he fights Obi-Wan,and becomes Darth Vader." This is very interesting - especially since we've heard rumours of Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship becoming strained in Episode II!

Recent information I have been receiving contains some serious spoiler information which may not be completely revealed for some time but for now some little tid bits to whet your appetite:
My sources say
C-3PO and R2-D2 will be returning but no mention of Jar Jar despite rumours of him being the co-pilot of Luke Skywalker who, it seems uses the alias Han Zoler!

Another source came in recently with new information on a character as well as shedding some light on a report that made little sense to me several months ago: [Highlight] "The character
Han Zoler is definately in SW4 and he is a smuggler and will have an alien co-pilot who fans of TPM will recognise!" This brought to mind the following report: [Highlight] "There'll be a pirate in Episode IV who turns out to be Skywalker's kid. The alien will turn out to be an older Jar Jar watching over the young Skywalker. I also hear there is going to be a Major Development with Bail Organa! Oh yeah now I remember where I heard it all! It was from Harry over at AICN!! That guy gets all the good scoops!"

Well, I've been ill over the past few days and as well as the flu I've been suffering from information overload from various sources. I'll release the info bit by bit starting with this which dismisses my original theory about a character rumoured to appear in Episode IV [Highlight] "
Princess Leia Organa is not Bail's wife, but is his daughter. another spoiler ,in the SW4 script it says this DEATH STAR is a space station.

My source has also sent a list of characters that are in the script for Episode IV. My own theories in brackets. These include [Highlight]:
Luke Skywalker (confirmation of Anakin's son!) , Darth Vader (the new Sith that Obi-Wan is rumoured to duel), Han Zoler (Some alien character?), Princess Leia Organa (Bail Organa's wife), Bail Organa (Senator of Alderaan - seen in Episode II), Ben Kenobi (As my informant said - "the thing I wonder about is this Ben he Obi's brother?.I could'nt find any thing to do with that in the script."), an unnamed Wookie (I doubt this character would be very important), Govenor Tarkin (Perhaps a similar character to Episode II's Count Dooku), Owen and Beru Lars (So Owen and Beru marry at some point between Episode II and III), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Speaks for itself!). What I wonder is why Anakin isn't mentioned. It seems strange that such an important character would be left out of the movie without explanation - unless Episode III deals with this story.

My regular source at LFL has sent in this information regarding Anakin. It is spoiler-filled so beware! [Highlight]:
"News in I heard a rumor that Mr.Lucas, has said Anakin Skywalker will be in one Episode of the sequels,but the question is which one?" Very interesting indeed. If Anakin is only in one does that mean he dies during Episode IV? Perhaps he gives his life up to protect his son (rumoured to be called Luke).

After getting in touch with Declan Mulholland's agents I've discovered that they refuse to disclose anything pertaining to his role as the "real life" Jabba the Hutt in Episode IV. Could this be confirmation that he is indeed taken the part but is unable to reveal information to the public as yet? We can only wait and see.

More information from our regular informant gives an insight into the danger that the Jedi may have to deal with in the movie. [Highlight]: "I've heard a rumor that in SW4 is going to have something called
THE DEATH  STAR it's most likely going to be a huge star with fire power or something."

Another day, another set of news - this time more concerning Jabba the Hutt and Obi-Wan as well as an insight into the lightsaber fighting style of Episode IV. [Highlight to read]: "News in,about that Jabba,thing he will be in Episode II as well as Episodes III and IV . In Episode IV the role of the evil gangster has been given to irish actor Declan Mulholland,to stand in for the CG charecter to be added later." Interesting news since until now they haven't needed an actor to take the place of the CGI alien. Obviously he will play a larger part thus requiring an actor to stand in for him. The next bit of news is even more interesting since it gives a hint towards a major battle. It is seriously spoiler-filled. [Highlight to read]: "A lot of Star wars fans will probably disapointed about this spoiler,rember the lightsaber battles in Episode I and Episode II big and fast ,well Episode III will have a huge fast paced lightsabre battle(rumored to be above a lava pit),but the fourth film is going to have a more slower and profesional type of fight rumored to be between Obi-Wan and a dark lord of the sith." Obi-Wan and a new Sith battling it out? Over Anakin perhaps...

Two more reports on Episode IV came in from a regular spy that makes me wonder if the movie will be released much sooner than we think - possibly it's being filmed back-to-back with Episode III... [Highlight to read spoilers]: "I've heard a rumor that Jabba the hutt will be in Star Wars Episode IV and that he wants something from one of the main characters... probably money!" Jabba seems to becoming a very important character despite his reasonably small part in the pod race scene in The Phantom Menace as well as the rumours of him appearing in Episode II. Most interesting. [Highlight to read]: "I've heard that Owen and Beru lars might be returning to the fourth Episode of Star Wars I don't know how old Owen will be, I wonder if Joel Edgerton will still be playing the role of him." Obviously these two supposed minor characters will have a much greater part to play in the coming movies... If any has any reports don't fail to mail them to me!

Two interesting bits of information from a source were received today. [Highlight to read spoilers]:
"My friend works at (L.F.L.) and knows nearly everything about the up coming STAR WARS movie "EPISODE IV".I managed to get some information out of him,he told me that Anakin Skywalker will not be in this next movie but his son will be Luke Skywalker."
Very interesting indeed. I hadn't heard anything about Anakin having a son but we can only guess that the mother is Padmé. The question is - what happens to Anakin for him "not to be in it"?
If anyone has any information, mail it to me.
The other report said this. [Highlight for spoilers]:
"News just in Obi - Wan Kenobi will be in SW4 but he will not be played by Ewan Mc Gregor.He will be played by an unknown older english actor."
Older actor? This suggests quite a gap between Episodes III and IV. I'm not sure about this since make up could make Ewan McGregor look much older. Still, you never know...

This report contains serious
Episode II (you've been warned) and IV spoilers so beware and highlight:
Since recent storyboards have been leaked showing the death of Temura Morrison's bounty hunter character Jango Fett we can safely say he won't be in Episode IV - but perhaps the child - also mentioned in the boards - Boba Fett will. Perhaps trying to avenge the death of his father

End spoilers.

I received this from a source, Ida. I'd take it with a pinch of salt since Episode IV is a long way
off but you never know. Definate spoilers - highlight to read:
"I've just hear a very interesting tidbit from a friend of a friend of mine who works at fox studioes. It appears that Darth Tyrannus (if that's his name) won't be in ep. IV. Sidous will get himself a new apprentice, my friend wouldn't tell me his name or what actor they are casting for this role, but he did say that he will have a much more important role than for instance Maul...Hopefully, we'll see this new Sith Lord in all three sequels."
End spoilers.

I received a very interesting rumour from a source today. It's too soon to confirm it but its a poetntial spoiler so highligh to read:
"I heard a rumour about a jungle planet appearing in Episode IV, and a tribe of warriors....."
End spoilers

Episode IV Universe opened. I know its a long way off yet (2008 in fact - but I'm sure you all know that) but I want this site to have all the information for the fourth chapter of the Star Wars saga! If the amazing Phantom Menace didn't leave you gasping for more and the fact that the second episode is in the works isn't getting you excited just read this recent interview with George Lucas, wirter/director of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace from

INTERVIEWER: Is it true that there will be more to the Star Wars saga than the current three chapters in the works?
LUCAS: Actually yes. When I originally wrote an outline over twenty years ago there were six episodes planned. I wanted to get the fourth made first and work forward then backwards.
I: And why exactly was this?
GL: It seemed to make sense at the time, but after several studios who will remain anonymous (laughs) rejected it I felt I should wait until the cinema technology was at the stage I could start at the beginning. Hence Phantom, I guess.
I: So, what will happen in this "second trilogy"?
GL: Well, that would be telling (laughs)

So it's true. There will be a fourth episode. Wow! What do you think will happen? Maybe all six movies will follow Anakin Skywalker's journey from child to old Jedi Master. That would be pretty cool.


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