"Surprising difficult to kill you, isn't it?"

"Surprising difficult to kill you, isn't it?"
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Our poor little Danny babe just seems to get hurt left right and center. Maybe because he's not military trained or Apophis's prime, so violence isn't his strong point...it might also explain his constant need to die! LOL. For soemone who said in the movie "I don't want to die!" he does a pretty good job of dying anyway....luckly seems to have more lives than a cat...let's hope his luck doesn't run out!! just to scare you on some of the near misses and give myself nightmares, i thought i'd do a little section on it.

The Movie

Okay the first time Daniel dies he does it as James Spader, in Stargate: the Movie. The how is pretty obvious, he gets hit by Staff Weapon blast by one of Ra's Jaffa's (just for interest it was a member of the team!...i knew those military guys didn't like Daniel!LOL!)

The why seems to be two tracked. When I watched it I thought that it was because Daniel is such a pacifist that when everyone started shooting, he prefered to see a diplomatic solution and was trying to stop the violence. However it has been pointed out that as he did jump infront of Jack maybe it was to try and save his life! I think that both of these scenarios are really cute so you can pick either or maybe a mixture of both.

Anyway Catherine's good luck charm comes in handy as Ra sees it and decides he doesn't want daniel to die he wants to make an example of him so he revieves him using a Sarcaphogus. And so begins a beautiful new relationship between Danny and the sarcaphogus!

The Nox

Well this was a little different Daniel did die but he takes most of the rest of SG1 with him!

After running into Apophis and a few of his Jaffa they decide to attack him because...well because! Except for the plan back-fires. Apophis has this cool new Goa'uld toy (shield) which protects him for fast moving objects. (Not true...Sam's physics is a little off but hey who cares right??) Anyway Jack, Sam and Daniel are all killed.

The Nox bring them back, using a method a little gentler than the sarcophagus (you know no nasty little side effects!). Okay this is where I take a detour and just say that the Nox are the most wonderful people ever so 'The Nox are the most wonderful people ever' just incase you missed my point I really like the Nox!

Fire and Water

The third death of Dr. Daniel Jackson. I do love this one because he was never actually dead!!

The freaky blue fish like alien (also known as Nem) gave the rest of SG1 a false memory of Daniel burning to death so he could keep him for himself (so i guess he's no different to the rest of us!)

Even though Daniel wasn't dead he did get a memorial service, which was unbelievably cute (could possibly have been longer) and one day I'm gonna transcribe the whole scene for you but not just yet okay!! Be patient!

There but for the Grace of God

Okay this time Daniel ends up in an alternate universe. HE doesn't actually die but the Daniel Jackson in that Universe is already dead. Leading to one of my all time fave Danny quotes "Uh oh, I think I'm dead!!" Only daniel!! For more babbling on this episode see HERE

The Serpent's Lair

In this episode Daniel is attempting heroism, he stands guard, outside the room where Jack and the other's are trying to launch an offensive, with TWO weapons! But if evreything went according to plan and there was no danny-whumping, it just wouldn't be SG1. So Daniel get mortally wounded. And practically orders Jack to leave with out him!

Luckily this 'irrepressible spirit' of his also comes into play and he painfully crawls towrds something. We later see him emerge from a sarcophagus(part two in the Danny/Goa'uld thingy which brings back the dead relationship).

He then uses his alternate universe knowledge to use the Stargate to take him to the alpha site (beta site in AU). By the way they couldn't use the gate in the first place because they need to be in orbit around a planet to have a point of origin. He didn't just gate to earth because that wouldn't have been ingenous enough. Oh and also he didn't have the GDO code to open the iris. Oh and Earth was the point of origin so can't be the destination to. Oh and...you get the point right?

Of course the possible best part of this death was the reunion he got with SG1. You know what I mean the now classic "Space Monkey" scene!


Wasn't Need a fun episode, not only does Daniel manage to get himself addicted to the damned sarc thing(sorry can't be bothered to spell that the amount of times Danny requires it!LOL!) but he also dies...again!

To be fair though he was trying to do the heroic thing again and again it didn't quite work like it was supposed to, when will he learn?!? So SG1 have been thrown into the Naquada mines because of Daniel's attempt to save Shyla's life. They're all looking a little worse for wear and Daniel is limping. Jack comes up with an escape plan but because of his limp (and because he's Daniel) he can't quite keep up. The fake Jaffa guards start shooting and a whole pile of rock lands on poor unsuspecting Daniel. Sssshh, no laughing now!! This is serious. Daniel's dead...again!

Shyla puts him in a Sarc (Danny/sarc part 3...the Revenge...or maybe more like fatal attraction?). After more Danny whumping and a cute scene with Jack in a storage room (no it's not what you're thinking...hey no jackdaniels on my family friendly page okay! LOL) Daniel recovers and we all live happily ever after...until next week!


In this episode Daniel's 'physical body' was fine...well maybe with the exception of a few calories he probably could have done without.

However, because of Machello's Goa'uld fighting invention, Daniel's consciousness, his personality, 'his spirit' if you will was residing in Machello's rather old and fragile body. This old and fragile body did give way. Machello's body flatlined taking Daniel's spirit with it. Luckily for us Janet wouldn't give up on him and revived him without help from the sarc! For more babbling on this episode see HERE


Another alternate reality "an alternate alternate reality" episode. Again our Daniel was never actually dead. And we don't know what happened to AU Danny but since no one complained about him going to the AU I'm assuming he was actually dead ie no chance of 'entropic cascade failure'...again the physics behind that is fascinating (Oh my god i'm a geek!!) ummm we'll just ignore that shall we and move on to our regularly scheduled Daniel dying! ps I'm 'dying' (sorry!) to explain this fascinating physics to someone who'll listen and not fall asleep if this is you just let me know!

The Light

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! This wasn't your everyday ordinary Daniel dying, oh okay it was! BUT, before he actually died, he was contemplating suicide!!! Hence the ahhhhhhhh!!! He was standing at the edge of the balcony in his appartment looking like he'd been crying and was completely ready to jump! Jack tries to talk him out of it and we get the vague impression that Daniel isn't actually listening.

The good thing was that he wasn't actually aware of it! He suddenly 'wakes up' and seems as shocked as the rest of us. But suicide!! ahhhhhh!

Oh as for the everyday ordinary dying, Daniel (and SG5) become comatose. Jack and Teal'c find a kid on the planet Daniel had being palying on, Loren. he tells them about the light. They figure out it has narcotic effects...as if the sarc thing wasn't bad enough!!! Daniel flatlines, Jack throws him over his shoulder and carries him to the 'Light' planet. He starts breathing again. Ladedadeda

Double Jeopardy

Pity about the lack of Daniel in this episode but it was directed by Micheal Shanks so I guess that makes up for it. (yeah as if!) But continuing the fine Daniel tradition....he died! actually a rather violent death. Chronos ordered an otherwise 'friendly' native to shoot danny and prove his loyality to his god blah blah blah!

Jack appeared dressed as a 'servant of Chronos!' and we all think hey Jack's here to save the day. But Daniel in a REAL moment of heroism just shakes his head. He isn't going to let Jack give up his cover just to save him. As far as aaahhhh potential goes i'll give that a 12 out of 10.

Daniel has his head blown off!

Luckily it wasn't actually Daniel but his android counterpart that Harland created!!

So by my counting that's 10 deaths (and an attempted suicide). Well it's official he has more lives than a cat...let's hope they don't run out! And let's hope Jack was right and it is surprisingly diffcult to kill him! LONG LIVE DANIEL!!

Oh I've also read a really good fan fic on Daniel reflecting on his deaths. To read it click here

Most of the death pictures on this page where from the Chapa'ai. Sorry Slida but I just couldn't find any other place with pictures of daniel dying. Oh Go visit her page, it's waaay better than mine, it's in my links.