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Art by Addie Logan

his section is devoted to the fan's images of Gambit. The gallery can be reached by clicking on it's link on the toolbar, and submission guidelines are below.


  1. No sexually explicit art and no nudity.
  2. Art must have a Gambit theme
  3. Picture files must be in .JPEG or .GIF format
  4. No tracing or copying from comic panels
  5. Files may be no bigger than 500 kb (kilobytes.)
  6. Art may measure no bigger than 800x600 pixels.
  7. Files must be sent AS ATTACHMENTS. Do not copy and paste the image into the text of your submission, or it will be rejected.
  8. Not all art submitted will be posted. You will be notified either way within one week of submission.
  9. No more than three submissions per email.
  10. You must include the following in the text of your submission: Your name/username as you would like it to appear with the art; the title of the art, the medium used, and any other comments you would like to appear on your gallery page.