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his section contains an archive of Gambit fan fiction, both by Gambit Group members and by other writers. If you'd like your fiction to be archived here, please read the guidelines and submit to the link below. Fan fiction itself can be found by clicking on the INDEX link on the toolbar. Fiction is indexed alphabetically by author. New fiction can be found at the top.



  1. Sexually explicit content is not permitted. All fiction must have an 'R' rating or below.
  2. Excessive grammatical, spelling or format errors are grounds for rejection.
  3. All fiction submitted may be rejected. This is not an 'open-submission' archive.
  4. All fiction must have a Gambit theme.
  5. All fiction must be in .DOC (Microsoft Word) or .HTML format. Other formats cannot be read and will be rejected.
  6. Fiction must be submitted as an ATTACHED file to your email. You may not copy and paste fiction into the body text of your email.
  7. Next X reserves the right to edit your fiction for spelling, grammar, and formatting.
  8. Submit your fiction HERE after completing the form.



Copy and paste this form into the body text of your email, then modify it.


AUTHOR NAME (as it will appear on the story):

CATEGORY: (The categories supported by the site are Romance, Drama, Action-Adventure, X-Men Storyline (a piece of fiction in canon X-Men continuity), Horror/Supernatural, Humor and Alternate Universe (alternate-reality or timeline fiction is not Alternate Universe. Alternate Universe would constitute such elements as Remy not being an X-Man, mutant or other drastic change.)

SYNOPSIS (as it will appear in the index):

RATING: (Quick guide to rating: G=suitable for all audiences No strong language, only suggested violence. PG=Mild language or violence. PG-13=Strong violence or language, mild sexual situations. R=Graphic violence or language, strong sexual content.)