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  LINE Statement

  LINE [[STEP](x1!,y1!)]-[STEP](x2!,y2!) [,[color%] [,[B | BF] [,style%]]]
      o STEP          Specifies that coordinates are relative to the current
                      graphics cursor position.
      o (x1!,y1!),    The screen coordinates of the start of the line and of
        (x2!,y2!)     the end of the line.
      o color%        A color attribute that sets the color of the line or
                      rectangle. The available color attributes depend on your
                      graphics adapter and the screen mode set by the most
                      recent SCREEN statement.
      o B             Draws a rectangle instead of a line.
      o BF            Draws a filled box.
      o style%        A 16-bit value whose bits set whether or not pixels are
                      drawn. Use to draw dashed or dotted lines.

  Draws a line or rectangle on the screen.

      'This example requires a color graphics adapter.
      SCREEN 1
      LINE (110, 70)-(190, 120), , B
      LINE (0, 0)-(320, 200), 3, , &HFF00

  CIRCLE INPUT LINE INPUT PRESET PSET SCREEN Statement Color Attributes Screen Modes