"Star Trek:Voyager" has a lot to answer for. The first four rants alone are on that subject, and two of them are on one episode! My catchphrase for the past two weeks has been "Never annoy a shipper, never ever ever..." since all I seem to have done is rant aimlessly and fanfic even more aimlessly.
As you can see, this is a page for many others to use, as one of the rants isn't mine. And it makes far more sense. Therefore, if anybody has an opinion on anything, feel free to email me on any of the addresses scattered throughout the site (at least until I come up with a ranting-related one...) and give me your rant. I'll be happy to put it up. Don't let all the Trek put you off. All subjects accepted :)
Now... pick a rant, click the link, and read the incoherent musings of the world at large!
(NOTE: for the Trek ramblings, for anyone who hasn't seen the episodes, or just feels the need to know, go to startrek.com for brief episodes synopses.)
1) "The Confused Ramblings of a Nearly Twenty-Something" is my first rant about the penultimate episode of Voyager, "Renaissance Man". I had heard good things about this, and on the whole it was a pretty impressive episode. However, there was only one thing I was told in passing, namely, that the Doctor 'confesses' a few things to a few members of the crew, including one Seven of Nine. Shippy brain engaged, I knew precisely what he was going to confess. (Fans will understand, I won't bother explaining.) This rant, initially a letter/e-mail to two friends, was written whilst waiting for the episode to start, and immmediately afterwards, hence the "Time=..." bits. My instant reactions to things are rarely coherent, and this is the prine example... Enjoy!
2) "Slightly Less Confused Ramblings" is the second of my "Renaissance Man" rants, written approximately one day later. I like to believe that this one makes more sense, but I know it probably doesn't...
3) "Endgame" - the Good, the Awful, and the Unseen is my thoughts on the Voyager final episode. Go here for a hilariously funny version, word for word, and a much better and less biased review than my own. The title of this one says it all...
4) "A Criticism of Voyager" by Mike Greczyn. I was expecting an "Endgame" rant in my inbox and instead I had this. A rant among rants indeed, making mine pale in comparison. See, the difference is, Mike knows his Trek. I do not. I just pretend to. I am a shipper, therefore I pay attention to characters and very little else. This rant is what inspired this page in the first place. I await his actual "Endgame" rant with anticipation :)
5) Death To The banderas! is my antonio banderas rant in full. Moved from the hitlist. Enjoy!