"Lifeform" is truly awful, don't say I didn't warn you. And I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, it's my fic and I say it's awful! I always swore that NO-ONE was going to read this and so far only 2 people have actually seen it... but I think it's about time I faced my demons (and my public) by putting this on my site. *shudders and awaits hate mail*
I suppose I ought to put a synopsis of it. It revolves around the basic premise of something dodgy being beamed aboard (thanks to a familiar Ensign :) and her friend) which results in a few problems. That turns into the subplot in a J/C fic (turn back now, non-shippers!) which I completely, utterly hate the sight of. It manifested itself whilst on holiday in Devon and I just couldn't stop it.
"Bug In The System" (or "BITS" as it is affectionately known) is one that I'm slightly prouder of. It's a DS9 and Voyager crossover, but as yet it isn't finished. It is, however, up, so feel free to read what I've got.
This one involves the computer in every Starfleet Institution (even though I only focus on DS9 and Voyager) getting a mind of it's own. Cue lots of frustration from both crews (and a great excuse to write Kira when she's angry, which is always fun!) and mild chaos. This is supposed to be funny, but as usual, what makes me laugh tends to go over everyone else's heads (the one drawback to obsessions!), so feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Contact me on: The_Bajoran@spacestation.co.uk
"BITS" is also a sequel of sorts to "Lifeform", but only in the J/C aspect... it follows on from one of the ideas mentioned at the end. Oh, and in keeping to the title, "BITS" has lots of extra bits which will either be added or not. If they're not, I'll put them up as additions.
OK, I'd better let you read them... *sighs* Go ahead, beam in...
"Bug In The System"
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