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Created on the Imperial planet of Byss, the young child clone was taken away by a group of scientists who did not want to see him suffer the same fate as the others of his kind who were wiped out on the orders of Emperor Palpatine after they began to develop Force abilities.
Lando was adopted by the Calrissian family but not realising how they had saved him he began to rebel at an early age, leaving home far behind as he went to explore the galaxy and gamble his fortune. At nineteen he won the Correllian cruiser the Millennium Falcon which he kept until Han Solo beat him at Sabacc. Not taking this defeat to heart he went on to win an entire mining colony on Bespin.
When Han and
Leia Organa arrived at Cloud City after trying to escape from the Empire Lando betrayed them to Darth Vader but changed his mind in order to save them. After they lost Han who was frozen in carbonite he joined the Rebel forces and helped to inflitrate Jabba's Palace. They escaped along with Boba Fett who later revealed himself to be Anakin Skywalker, Leia and Luke's father. When his friends went to Endor to take out the shield generator of the second Death Star, Lando lead the attack. The Rebels were victorious but the Falcon, which Calrssian was piloting, was lost.
Upon returning to the Rebel fleet he discovered he was really a clone and sunk into a depression until finding his 'brother' Narril on Nar Shadaa, rescuing him from Rellij the Hutt. The two Calrissians later joined a team to take out the security shields on Coruscant for the New Republic to retake the capital planet.