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Born on Bespin to slave Shmi Skywalker, Anakin moved to Tatooine when he was three after being sold to Gardulla the Hutt. He was later made the property of the Toydarian Watto until he was rescued by the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn when he was ten. After Jinn's death he was trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi before he was suposedly killed by Darth Vader on Aeten II.
After finally escaping he could not find his wife, Padmé and never realised he had two children, Luke and Leia. He encountered the bounty hunter Boba Fett who was sent to find him by Palaptine but easily defeated his armoured enemy and took his identity.
Over the following twenty years he developed a reputation as one of the best bounty hunters around until, after a fateful encounter with his son back on his birth planet of Bespin. He could not save Luke as he faced Darth Vader and died at the Sith Lord's hands.
He took the carbon-frozen Han Solo to Jabba's palace knowing it would draw his daughter to him and later escaped to help on the attack against the second Death Star orbiting Endor. Anakin revealed his identity to Leia and the two fought Vader and Palpatine until Adi Gallia defeated both with expert precision.
Over the year that followed Anakin trained his daughter in the ways of the Force. They went on a mission to Yarori to help the Mandalore to join the Republic where Skywalker befriended Ambassador Keylar and met Mara Jade, former Emperor's hand who now worked for Thrawn. The mission was successful and soon Anakin found himself on a mission to assassinate the new Emperor along with Leia and Keylar.