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(SG1.0) The Duel
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SFB PBEM Game A0204


Declan Feeney
Federation Heavy Cruiser


Matthew Francois
Klingon D7 Battlecruiser


All Star Fleet Battles Material Copyright of ADB, Inc.


Declan Feeney in the Federation Heavy Cruiser (F-CA)

Matthew Francois in the Klingon D7 Battlecruiser (K-D7)

Moderated by David Beeson

Game Started: 10.24.99
Game Finished: 01.21.00
Outcome: Draw
Current Turn / Impulse: 2.16
Last Updated: 10.28.01

Table of Contents

Turn 1



Turn 2



Turn 1:

Turn        1
Impulse     32


D7    Klingon D7                  -2021B            Speed 15
CA    Federation CA               -3305E            Speed 10

Impulse            D7          CA  
1                 ----        ----
2                 ----        ----
3                 0829B       ----
4                 ----        4104E
5                 0929B       ----
6                 ----        ----
7                 1028B       4003E
8                 ----        ----
9                 1128B       ----
10                ----        3904E
11                1227B       ----
12                ----        ----
13                1327B       3803E
14                ----        ---- 
15                1426B       ----
16                ----        3704E
17                ----        ----
18                1425B       ----
19                ----        ----
20                1525B       3603E
21                ----        ----
22                1624B       ----
23                ----        3504E
24                1724B       ----
25                ----        ----
26                1723B       3403E
27                ----        ----
28                1822B       ----
29                ----        3304E
30                1922B       ----
31                ----        ----
32                2021B       3305E

16. Send following message to Federation Player:
"Federation Starship, this is the Klingon Battlecruiser Torment.  Lower
 your shields and surrender immediately or you will be destroyed."

Turn 1 Map



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Turn 2


Turn        2
Impulse     16


D7    Klingon D7                  -2422D            Speed 15
CA    Federation CA               -2913D            Speed 20

Impulse            D7          CA  
1                 ----        ----
2                 ----        3306D
3                 2020B       ----
4                 ----        3307D
5                 2120B       3207D
6                 ----        ----
7                 2219B       3208D
8                 ----        3109D
9                 2320C       ----
10                ----        3110D
11                2321C       ----
12                ----        3010D
13                2421C       3011D
14                ----        ----
15                2422D       2912D
16                ----        2913D

Impulse activity
8. Klingon fires four (4) disruptors: A,B,C,D at Fed CA Range=15
Rolls:4,5,2,1 Damage:3+0+3+3= 9 No reinforcement on shield #2. 9 points of
damage to shield #2.
Game called off due to disappearance of Declan Feeney.  Insufficient gameplay
to declare a winner based on current situation.  Game called as a draw.


Turn 2 Map (Current)



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