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SFB Operations Center

All material related to Star Fleet Battles copyright ADB, Inc.


Origins Outcasts Tournament

Designed to pass those Quarter 3 doldrums away while the cream of the SFB crop is off completing in some of the biggest Face-to-Face tournaments each year, the Origins Outcasts Tournament takes those ships unfortunate enough not to make the Origins Final 16... and pits them against each other in a Masters-style showdown of epic proportions!

Origins Outcasts 2002

The inaugural tournament, this year's campaign features 10 brave players flying 7 ships through 3 rounds of heated action!

Check out the results!

Economy of Force Campaigns:

Economy of Force Campaigns are based on Mini-Campaign (T2.0), Economy of Force.  With six players on each side, the campaign presents players with the challenge of dividing a given fleet between six scenarios which are then played simultaneously.

Economy of Force #1: Klingon Empire vs. United Federation of Planets

Economy of Force #1 is on hold.  Based on the response I get from my EoF Cancellation Manifesto, it's dead.

PBEM Games moderated to completion:

  • Game A0265
    (SG1.0) The Duel
    Roch Chartrand (Federation CARa+) vs. Francois Beausoleil (Klingon D7K)
  • Game A0266
    Robert Snook (Hydran DWH) vs. Travis Boelter (ISC DDL)

PBEM Games I have completed:

  • Game A0204
    (SG1.0) The Duel
    Declan Feeney (Federation CA) vs. Matthew Francois (Klingon D7)

SFB Game Tools:

  • Hex Range Calculator
    Use this Java applet to calculate the range between two hexes
  • Clock
    Use this Java applet to determine the current time!  Useful for determining deadlines for submission of forms!


  • Links to other SFB Sites (temporarily disabled)
    Surf the web and enjoy the Star Fleet Battles Community!

This Star Fleet Battles Ring site is owned by
Matthew J. Francois.

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Star Fleet Battles Ring?
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