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(SG1.0) The Duel
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SFB PBEM Game A0265


Roch Chartrand
Federation CARa+


Francois Beausoleil
Klingon D7K


All Star Fleet Battles Material Copyright of ADB, Inc.


Roch Chartrand in the Federation Heavy Cruiser (CARa+)

Francois Beausoleil in the Klingon D7 Battlecriuser (D7K)

Moderated by Matthew J. Francois

Game Started: 10.31.01
Game Finished: 08.29.02
Outcome: Klingon Surrender... Victory Levels Coming Soon!
Current Turn / Impulse: 7.15
Last Updated: 10.09.02

Table of Contents

Turn 1



Turn 2



Turn 3



Turn 4



Turn 5



Turn 6



Turn 7



Turn 1: Started: 10.31.01, Finished: 11.05.01

Turn        1
Impulse     32

CARa+    Federation CARa+     3011D     Speed 18
D7K      Klingon D7K          1924A     Speed 16

FD1.1.17 Federation Drone     2811E     Speed 20

Impulse     CARa+     D7K     FD1.1.17
1.          ----     ----
2.          4104E    ----
3.          ----     0729A
4.          4003E    ----
5.          ----     0828B
6.          3904E    ----
7.          ----     0929B
8.          3803E    ----
9.          3704E    1028B
10.         ----     ----
11.         3603E    1129B
12.         ----     ----
13.         3504E    1228B
14.         ----     ----
15.         3403E    1329B
16.         3304E    1428B
17.         ----     ----     3304E
18.         3305D    1529B    3204E
19.         ----     ----     ----
20.         3306D    1628B    3205E
21.         ----     ----     3106E
22.         3307D    1728B    ----
23.         ----     ----     3107E
24.         3207D    1727A    3007E
25.         3208D    ----     ----
26.         ----     1826A    3008E
27.         3109D    ----     ----
28.         ----     1825A    2909E
29.         3110D    ----     2910E
30.         ----     1925A    ----
31.         3010D    ----     2810E
32.         3011D    1924A    2811E

Impulse Activity
15. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 16
17. Federation CARa+ launches FD1.1.17
Final Activity
Klingon D7K discharges Disruptor Bolts A, B, C, D (Standard Loads)

Turn 1 Map:



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Turn 2: Started: 11.06.01, Finished: 11.22.01

Turn        2
Impulse     32

CARa+    Federation CARa+     2626E     Speed 16
D7K      Klingon D7K          1730F     Speed 21

FD1.1.17 Federation Drone     2027E     Speed 20
FD1.2.17 Federation Drone     2127E     Speed 20

Impulse     CARa+     D7K 
1.          ----     ---- 
2.          2912D    2023B
3.          ----     ---- 
4.          2913D    2123B
5.          ----     2222B
6.          2813D    ---- 
7.          ----     2322B
8.          2814D    2422C
9.          2715D    ---- 
10.         ----     2423C
11.         2716D    2524C
12.         2717D    ----
13.         ----     2525C
14.         2718D    2526D
15.         2719D    ----
16.         2720D    2527D
17.         ----     2528D
18.         2820D    ----
19.         ----     2529D
20.         2821D    2429E
21.         ----     ----
22.         2822D    2430E
23.         ----     2331E
24.         2823D    ----
25.         ----     2231E
26.         2824D    2131F
27.         ----     ----
28.         2725E    2031F
29.         ----     1931F
30.         2726E    ----
31.         ----     1830F
32.         2626E    1730F

Impulse     FD1.1.17 FD1.2.17 KD1.2.11 KD2.2.11 KS1.2.09
1.          ----
2.          2812D
3.          ----
4.          2813D
5.          2714D
6.          ----
7.          2715D
8.          2716D
9.          ----                                2422B
10.         2717D                               ----
11.         ----              2524B    2524B    2522B
12.         2718D             2623B    2623B    ----
13.         2719D             2723B    2723B    ----
14.         ----              ----     ----     ----
15.         2619D             2722A    2722A    ----
16.         2620D             2721A
17.         ----     2720D    ----
18.         2621D    2721D
19.         ----     ----
20.         2622D    2621D
21.         2623D    2622D
22.         ----     ----
23.         2524D    2523D
24.         2525D    2524D
25.         ----     ----
26.         2425E    2525D
27.         ----     ----
28.         2326E    2425E
29.         2226E    2326E
30.         ----     ----
31.         2127E    2226E
32.         2027E    2127E

Impulse Activity
7. Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: A, B, C, D
      A: Range: 11, Roll: 5, Damage: 0
      B: Range: 11, Roll: 4, Damage: 3
      C: Range: 11, Roll: 4, Damage: 3
      D: Range: 11, Roll: 2, Damage: 3
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1's at Federation CARa+: 1, 2
      1: Range: 11, Roll: 4, Damage: 0
      2: Range: 11, Roll: 6, Damage: 0
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-2's at Federation CARa+: 5
      1: Range: 11, Roll: 5, Damage: 0
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 9
   Shield #1: 4 reinforcement: 5 Shield Damage, 0 Internals
8. Federation CARa+ announces change to speed 22
9. Klingon D7K launches KS1.2.09
11. Klingon D7K launches KD1.2.11
    Klingon D7K launches KD2.2.11
15. Federation CARa+ fires Photon Torpedoes at Klingon D7K: A, B, C, D
       A: Range: 8, Roll: 2, Damage: 8
       B: Range: 8, Roll: 2, Damage: 8
       C: Range: 8, Roll: 3, Damage: 12 (Overload, 6 point warhead)
       D: Range: 8, Roll: 4, Damage: 0  (Overload, 6 point warhead)
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 28
    Shield #4: 0 reinforcement: 22 Shield Damage, 6 internals
    Internal Damage to Klingon D7K:
       1: Roll: 6, Col A, F Hull
       2: Roll: 6, Col A, F Hull
       3: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
       4: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
       5: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
       6: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull

    Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KS1.2.09: 5, 6
       5: Range: 4, Roll: 2, Damage: 5
       6: Range: 4, Roll: 2, Damage: 5
    Total Damage to KS1.2.09: 10
    KS1.2.09 Destroyed by Federation CARa+
    KS1.2.09 Revealed as Scatter-Pack Shuttle

    KD2.2.11 fires Phaser-3 at Federation CARa+
       1: Range: 3, Roll: 3, Damage: 1
    Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 1
    Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 1 Shield Damage, 0 internals

    KD2.2.11 goes inert
16. Federation CARa+ announces change to speed 16
    Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 1, 2
       1: Range: 8, Roll: 5, Damage: 1
       2: Range: 8, Roll: 3, Damage: 3
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 4
    Shield #4: 0 reinforcement: 0 Shield Damage, 4 internals

    Internal Damage to Klingon D7K:
       1: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
       2: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
       3: Roll: 4, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #5
       4: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse

    Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1 at KD1.2.11: 3
       3: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 4
    Total Damage to KD1.2.11: 4
17. Federation CARa+ launches FD1.2.17
    Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-3 at KD1.2.11: 9
       9: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 3
    Total Damage to KD1.2.11: 3

    KD1.2.11 Destroyed by Federation CARa+
32. Klingon D7K attempts to identify FD1.1.17
       Range: 4, Roll: 2, Attempt Fails

Turn 2 Map:


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Turn 3: Started: 11.27.01, Finished: 01.23.02

Turn        3
Impulse     32

CARa+    Federation CARa+     1629F     Speed 12
D7K      Klingon D7K          2125E     Speed 9

Impulse     CARa+    D7K 
1.          ----     ----
2.          ----     1829B
3.          2627E    1929B
4.          ----     2029B
5.          ----     ----
6.          2528E    2129B
7.          ----     ----
8.          2529E    2128B
9.          ----     ----
10.         ----     2227B
11.         2429E    ----
12.         ----     2226B
13.         ----     ----
14.         2330E    2326B
15.         ----     ----
16.         2230E    ----
17.         ----     ----
18.         ----     2325A
19.         2130E    ----
20.         ----     ----
21.         ----     ----
22.         2030E    2424A
23.         ----     ----
24.         1930E    ----
25.         ----     2324F
26.         ----     ----
27.         1829F    ----
28.         ----     ----
29.         ----     2224F
30.         1730F    ----
31.         ----     ----
32.         1629F    2125E

Impulse     FD1.1.17 FD1.2.17 KD1.3.02 KD2.3.02
1.          ----     ----
2.          1928E    2027E    1829B    1829B
3.          ----              ----     ----
4.          2028E             1929B    1929B
5.          ----              2029B    2029B
6.          2128E             ----     ----
7.          ----              2129B    2129B
8.          2127E             2229B    2229B
9.          ----              ----     ----
10.         2226E             2329B    2329B
11.         ----
12.         2225D
13.         ----
14.         2325C
15.         ----
16.         ----
17.         ----
18.         2324C

Impulse     FS1.3.03 FS1.3.05
3.          2627E
4.          ----
5.          ----     2627E
6.          2528E    2528E
7.          ----     ----
8.          ----     ----
9.          ----     ----
10.         ----     ----
11.                  2428E

Impulse Activity
2. Klingon D7K makes HET
      Roll: N/A (Breakdown Not Possible)

   Klingon D7K launches KD1.3.02
   Klingon D7K launches KD2.3.02
   Klingon D7K fires ADD at FD1.2.17
      Range: 3, Roll 4, Hit

   FD1.2.17 destroyed by Klingon D7K
3. Klingon D7K tractors FD1.1.17
   Federation CARa+ launches FS1.3.03
4. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 16
5. Federation CARa+ launches FS1.3.05
6. Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 2, 6
      2: Range: 4, Roll: 1, Damage: 5
      6: Range: 4, Roll: 2, Damage: 5
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 10
   Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 10 Shield Damage, 0 internals

   Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: A, B, C, D
      A (w/ UIM Control): Range: 4, Roll: 2, Damage: 8 (Overload)
      B: Range: 4, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
      C: Range: 4, Roll: 1, Damage: 4
      D: Range: 4, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1’s at Federation CARa+: 1, 2, 3
      1: Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 4
      2: Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 4
      3: Range: 4, Roll: 1, Damage: 5
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-2 at Federation CARa+: 4
      1: Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 1
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 34
   Shield #1: 6 reinforcement: 24 Shield Damage, 4 internals

   Internal Damage to Federation CARa+:
      1: Roll: 10, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #9
      2: Roll: 3, Col A, Drone (BOLD) Applied to Drone Rack #1
      3: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
      4: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull

   UIM Burnout Roll: 6 (no UIM burnout)
7. Federation CARa+ drops Shield #1
   Federation CARa+ transports M1 to Hex 2128
   Federation CARa+ transports M2 to Hex 2228

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1 at Klingon D7K: 5
      5: Range: 4, Roll: 5, Damage: 3
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 3
   Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 3 Shield Damage, 0 internals
8. Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1 at Klingon D7K: 1
      1: Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 4
   Shield #2: 0 reinforcement: 4 Shield Damage, 0 internals
9. M1 Becomes Active
   M2 Becomes Active
10. Mine Ordering Determination:
       First: M1: 1-3, M2: 4-6
       Roll: 2
       Mine Order: M1, M2

    Klingon D7K detonates M1
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 10
    Shield #4: 0 reinforcement: 0 Shield Damage, 10 internals

    KD1.3.02 detonates M2
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 10
    Shield #3: 0 reinforcement: 10 Shield Damage, 0 internals

    Internal Damage to Klingon D7K:
       1: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
       2: Roll: 4, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #4
       3: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
       4: Roll: 7, Col C, Battery
       5: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
       6: Roll: 7, Col C, Battery
       7: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
       8: Roll: 6, Col A, Impulse
       9: Roll: 11, Col A, Torpedo (BOLD) Applied to Disruptor A
       10: Roll: 9, Col D, Battery

    Total Damage to KD1.3.02: 10
    KD1.3.02 Destroyed by M2

    Total Damage to KD2.3.02: 10
    KD2.3.02 Destroyed by M2

    Klingon D7K fires ADD at FS1.3.03
       ADD: Range: 3, Roll: 4, Damage: (Roll) 6
    Total Damage to FS1.3.03: 6

    FS1.3.03 destroyed by Klingon D7K
11. Klingon D7K fires ADD at FS1.3.05
       ADD: Range: 2, Roll: 2, Damage: (Roll) 6
    Total Damage to FS1.3.05: 6

    FS1.3.05 destroyed by Klingon D7K
12. Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 7, 8
       7: Range: 4, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
       8: Range: 4, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 8
    Shield #3: 0 reinforcement: 8 Shield Damage, 0 internals
15. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 9
19. Klingon D7K fires ADD at FD1.1.17
       ADD: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Hit

    FD1.1.17 destroyed by Klingon D7K
32. Federation CARa+ repairs Shield #1 (1 box)

Turn 3 Map:


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Turn 4: Started: 01.26.02, Finished: 05.02.02

Turn        4
Impulse     32

CARa+    Federation CARa+     1522B     Speed 12
D7K      Klingon D7K          1421F     Speed 7

M1       Transporter Bomb     1529
M2       Transporter Bomb     1629
M3       Transporter Bomb     1730
M4       Transporter Bomb     1428

Impulse     CARa+    D7K      KD1.4.05 KD2.4.05 KS1.4.05 FS1.4.15
1.          ----     ----
2.          ----     2025E
3.          1530F    ----
4.          ----     1926E
5.          ----     1826E    1826E    1826E    1826E
6.          1429F    ----     ----     ----
7.          ----     1727E    1727E    1727E
8.          1428A    1627E    1627E    1627E
9.          ----     1527F    ----     ----
10.         ----     1526F    1528E    1528E
11.         1328A    ----
12.         ----     1425F
13.         ----     1424F
14.         1327A    ----
15.         ----     1423A                               1327A
16.         1326A    ----                                1326A
17.         ----     ----                                ----
18.         ----     1523A
19.         1225A    ----
20.         ----     1522A
21.         ----     ----
22.         1224A    ----
23.         ----     1621A
24.         1324B    ----
25.         ----     ----
26.         ----     ----
27.         1423B    ----
28.         ----     1521F
29.         ----     ----
30.         1523B    ----
31.         ----     ----
32.         1522B    1421F

Impulse Activity
3. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 26.
5. Klingon D7K launches KD1.4.05
   Klingon D7K launches KD2.4.05
   Klingon D7K launches KS1.4.05

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KS1.4.05: 5, 6, 7
      5: Range: 5, Roll: 4, Damage: 3
      6: Range: 5, Roll: 2, Damage: 4
      7: Range: 5, Roll: 3, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to KS1.4.05: 11
   KS1.4.05 Destroyed by Federation CARa+
   KS1.4.05 Revealed as Scatter-Pack Shuttle
7. Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: B, C, D
      B (w/ UIM Control): Range: 4, Roll: 1, Damage: 4
      C (w/ UIM Control): Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 8 (Overload)
      D (w/ UIM Control): Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 8 (Overload)
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1’s at Federation CARa+: 1, 2, 3
      1: Range: 4, Roll: 2, Damage: 5
      2: Range: 4, Roll: 3, Damage: 4
      3: Range: 4, Roll: 1, Damage: 5
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 34
   Shield #3: 2 reinforcement: 24 Shield Damage, 8 internals

   Internal Damage to Federation CARa+:
      1: Roll: 6, Col A, F Hull
      2: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
      3: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
      4: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
      5: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
      6: Roll: 3, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #10
      7: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
      8: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)

   UIM Burnout Roll: 6 (no UIM burnout)
8. Federation CARa+ transports M1 to Hex 1529
   Federation CARa+ transports M2 to Hex 1629
   Federation CARa+ transports M3 to Hex 1730

   Federation CARa+ drops M4 in Hex 1428

   Federation CARa+ fires Photon Torpedoes at Klingon D7K: A, B, C
      A: Range: 2, Roll: 3, Damage: 8
      B: Range: 2, Roll: 6, Damage: 0
      C: Range: 2, Roll: 2, Damage: 8
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 16
   Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 16 Shield Damage, 0 internals
9: Federation CARa+ attempts to identify KD1.4.05
      Range: 2, Roll: 2, Attempt Fails
   Federation CARa+ attempts to identify KD2.4.05
      Range: 2, Roll: 1, Attempt Fails
10: Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KD1.4.05: 1
       1: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
    Total Damage to KD1.4.05: 4
    KD1.4.05 Destroyed by Federation CARa+

    Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KD2.4.05: 2
       2: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
    Total Damage to KD2.4.05: 4
    KD2.4.05 Destroyed by Federation CARa+
12. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 13
15. Federation CARa+ launches FS1.4.15
17. Klingon D7K attempts to identify FS1.4.15
       Range: 3, Roll: 4, Attempt Succeeds
    FS1.4.15 Revealed as Scatter-Pack Shuttle

    Klingon D7K fires Phaser-2’s at FS1.4.15: 6, 7
       6: Range: 3, Roll: 2, Damage: 4
       7: Range: 3, Roll: 2, Damage: 4
    Total Damage to FS1.4.15: 8
    FS1.4.15 Destroyed by Klingon D7K
    FS1.4.15 Revealed as Scatter-Pack Shuttle
23. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 7
32. Federation CARa+ repairs Shield #1 (2 boxes)

Turn 4 Map:


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Turn 5: Started: 05.06.02, Finished: 05.30.02

Turn        5
Impulse     32

CARa+    Federation CARa+     1728C     Speed 12 / 6
D7K      Klingon D7K          1528E     Speed 12 / 6

KD1.5.01 Klingon Drone        1627C     Speed 20 / 0

M2       Transporter Bomb     1629
M3       Transporter Bomb     1730
M4       Transporter Bomb     1428

Impulse     CARa+    D7K      KD1.5.01 KD2.5.01
1.          ----     ----     1421B    1421C
2.          1621B    ----     1521B    1522C
3.          ----     ----     ----     ----
4.          1722C    1522F    1621C    1622C
5.          ----     ----     ----
6.          ----     ----     ----
7.          1723C    1523E    1622C
8.          ----     ----     ----
9.          ----     ----     ----
10.         1823C    1623E    1723C
11.         ----     ----     ----
12.         ----     ----     ----
13.         1724C    1524E    1623C
14.         ----     ----     ----
15.         ----     ----     ----
16.         1725C    1525E    1624C
17.         ----     ----     ----
18.         ----     ----     ----
19.         ----     ----     ----
20.         ----     ----     ----
21.         ----     ----     ----
22.         1726C    1526E    1625C
23.         ----     ----     ----
24.         ----     ----     ----
25.         ----     ----     ----
26.         ----     ----     ----
27.         1727C    1527E    1626C
28.         ----     ----     ----
29.         ----     ----     ----
30.         ----     ----     ----
31.         ----     ----     ----
32.         1728C    1528E    1627C

Impulse Activity
1. Klingon D7K launches KD1.5.01
   Klingon D7K launches KD2.5.01

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 3, 4, 7, 8
      3: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
      4: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 4
      7: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 4
      8: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 18
   Shield #4: 0 reinforcement: 0 Shield Damage, 18 Internals

   Internal Damage to Klingon D7K:
      1: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      2: Roll: 12, Col A, Aux Con (BOLD)
      3: Roll: 4, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #6
      4: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      5: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      6: Roll: 10, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #8
      7: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
      8: Roll: 6, Col C, Lab
      9: Roll: 6, Col C, Lab
      10: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
      11: Roll: 10, Col B, Tractor
      12: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
      13: Roll: 5, Col B, A Hull
      14: Roll: 7, Col E, Shuttle
      15: Roll: 8, Col B, APR
      16: Roll: 5, Col E, Shuttle
      17: Roll: 8, Col B, APR
      18: Roll: 3, Col A, Drone (BOLD) Applied to Drone Rack #1

   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1’s at Federation CARa+: 1, 2, 3
      1: Range: 1, Roll: 1, Damage: 8
      2: Range: 1, Roll: 1, Damage: 8
      3: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-2’s at Federation CARa+: 6, 7, 8, 9
      6: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 4
      7: Range: 1, Roll: 1, Damage: 5
      8: Range: 1, Roll: 6, Damage: 3
      9: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 36
   Shield #5: 7 reinforcement: 24 Shield Damage, 5 Internals

   Internal Damage to Federation CARa+:
      1: Roll: 8, Col A, A Hull
      2: Roll: 3, Col B, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #3
      3: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
      4: Roll: 9, Col B, F Hull
      5: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
2. Federation CARa+ tractors KD1.5.01
   Federation CARa+ tractors KD2.5.01

   Klingon D7K tractors Federation CARa+
   Klingon Tractor Beam: Range: 2, Power: 2, Strength: 1
   Tractor Link established
4. Klingon D7K makes Warp Tactical Maneuver

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KD2.5.01: 5
      5: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
   Total Damage to KD2.5.01: 7
   KD2.5.01 destroyed by Federation CARa+
8. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 10
12. Federation CARa+ announces change to speed 12
17. Klingon D7K announces change to speed 12
32. Mine Ordering Determination:
       First: M1: 1-3, M4: 4-6
       Roll: 1
       Mine Order: M1, M4

    M1 detects Klingon D7K
       Roll: 4, Result: Detonation

    Klingon D7K detonates M1
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 10
    Shield #6: 0 reinforcement: 10 Shield Damage, 0 internals

Turn 5 Map:


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Turn 6: Started 06.04.02, Finished 07.23.02

Turn        6
Impulse     32

CARa+    Federation CARa+     1429E     Speed 6  / 3
D7K      Klingon D7K          1329B     Speed 0  / 0

M2       Dummy Trans. Bomb    1629
M3       Dummy Trans. Bomb    1730

Impulse     CARa+    D7K      KD1.5.01 KD1.6.01
0.          1628C    ----     1528C
1.          ----     ----     ----     1528C
2.          ----     1528D    ----
3.          ----     1528C    ----
4.          1628E    ----
5.          ----     ----
6.          ----     ----
7.          ----     ----
8.          ----     1528B
9.          ----     ----
10.         ----     ----
11.         1629E    1529B
12.         ----     ----
13.         ----     ----
14.         ----     ----
15.         ----     ----
16.         ----     ----
17.         ----     ----
18.         ----     ----
19.         ----     ----
20.         ----     ----
21.         ----     ----
22.         1530E    1429B
23.         ----     ----
24.         ----     ----
25.         ----     ----
26.         ----     ----
27.         ----     ----
28.         ----     ----
29.         ----     ----
30.         ----     ----
31.         ----     ----
32.         1429E    1329B

Impulse Activity
0. Federation CARa+ maintains tractor link with KD1.5.01

   Klingon D7K maintains tractor link with Federation CARa+
   Klingon Tractor Beam: Range: 2, Power: 2, Strength: 1
   Tractor Link Maintained

   Klingon D7K rotates Federation CARa+ to 1628
   Klingon Tractor Beam: Range: 1, Power: 2, Strength: 2
1. M2 detects Federation CARa+
      Roll: 2, Result: Detonation

   Federation CARa+ detonates M2
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 0
   M2 revealed as Dummy T-Bomb

   Klingon D7K launches KD1.6.01

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 6, 7, 8
      6: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
      7: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
      8: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 16
   Shield #5: 0 reinforcement: 16 Shield Damage, 0 internals

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KD1.6.01: 4
      4: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
   Total Damage to KD1.6.01: 5
   KD1.6.01 destroyed by Federation CARa+
2. Klingon D7K makes Warp Tactical Maneuver

   Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: B, C
      B: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 10 (Overload)
      C: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 10 (Overload)
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1’s at Federation CARa+: 1, 2
      1: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
      2: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 34
   Shield #4: 2 reinforcement: 24 Shield Damage, 8 internals

   Internal Damage to Federation CARa+:
      1: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
      2: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
      3: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
      4: Roll: 8, Col B, APR
      5: Roll: 6, Col A, F Hull
      6: Roll: 4, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #6
      7: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
      8: Roll: 7, Col B, F Hull
3. Klingon D7K makes Sublight Tactical Maneuver

   Klingon D7K drops Shield #1
   Federation CARa+ launches Hit and Run Raids:
      1: Target: Sensor, Guarded: Yes
         Roll: 2, Result: BP Destroyed
   Klingon D7K launches Hit and Run Raids:
      1: Target: Photon A, Guarded: No
         Roll: 4, Result: System OK, BP Destroyed
      2: Target: Photon B, Guarded: Yes
         Roll: 4, Result: BP Returns
      3: Target: Tractor (Holding KD1.5.01), Guarded: No
         Roll: 2, Result: System Destroyed, BP Destroyed
      4: Target: Battery, Guarded: Yes
         Roll: 6, Result: Conduct H&R
         Roll: 3, Result: System OK, BP Destroyed
      5: Target: Battery, Guarded: Yes
         Roll: 3, Result: BP Destroyed
   Federation CARa+ drops tractor link to KD1.5.01

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at KD1.5.01: 5
      5: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
   Total Damage to KD1.5.01: 7
   KD1.5.01 destroyed by Federation CARa+

   Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: D
      D: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 10 (Overload)
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1’s at Federation CARa+: 3
      3: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 17
   Shield #4: 0 reinforcement: 0 Shield Damage, 17 internals

   Internal Damage to Federation CARa+:
      1: Roll: 8, Col B, APR
      2: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
      3: Roll: 5, Col D, Battery
      4: Roll: 4, Col A, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #7
      5: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
      6: Roll: 4, Col B, Transporter (BOLD)
      7: Roll: 11, Col A, Torpedo (BOLD) Applied to Photon A
      8: Roll: 9, Col B, F Hull
      9: Roll: 9, Col D, Battery
      10: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      11: Roll: 8, Col C, Shuttle
      12: Roll: 5, Col D, Battery
      13: Roll: 8, Col C, Shuttle
      14: Roll: 7, Col C, Battery
      15: Roll: 9, Col E, Lab
      16: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      17: Roll: 8, Col C, Shuttle
4. Federation CARa+ makes HET
      Roll: N/A (Breakdown Not Possible)
8. Klingon D7K makes Warp Tactical Maneuver

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 2
      2: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 4
   Shield #2: 0 reinforcement: 4 Shield Damage, 0 internals

   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-2’s at Federation CARa+: 9
      2: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 4
   Shield #2: 0 reinforcement: 4 Shield Damage, 0 internals
11. M3 detects Federation CARa+
       Roll: 1, Result: Detonation

    Federation CARa+ detonates M3
    Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 0
    M3 revealed as Dummy T-Bomb

    M4 detects Klingon D7K
       Roll: 2, Result: No Detonation

    Klingon D7K raises Shield #1
22. M4 detects Klingon D7K
       Roll: 1, Result: Detonation

    Klingon D7K detonates M4
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 10
    Shield #6: 0 reinforcement: 10 Shield Damage, 0 internals
23. Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 1
       1: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
    Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 5
    Shield #2: 0 reinforcement: 5 Shield Damage, 0 internals

Turn 6 Map:


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Turn 7: Started: 08.01.02, Finished: xx.xx.xx

A0265.7.15 SITREP
(SG1.0) The Duel (Pick-Up Game A0265)
Federation: Roch Chartrand,
Klingon: Francois Beausoleil,

Break for Federation, Impulse 15, in 6A4, due to Klingon Speed Change Announcement
Need new SOP’s from both by Monday, September 2, 2002

Turn        7
Impulse     15

CARa+    Federation CARa+     1428F     Speed 0  / 0
D7K      Klingon D7K          1329C     Speed 0  / 0

M2       Dummy Trans. Bomb    1629
M3       Dummy Trans. Bomb    1730

Impulse     CARa+    D7K
0.          1428E    ----
1.          ----     ----
2.          1428F    ----
3.          ----     ----
4.          ----     1329C
5.          ----     ----
6.          ----     ----
7.          ----     ----
8.          ----     ----
9.          ----     ----
10.         ----     ----
11.         ----     ----
12.         ----     ----
13.         ----     ----
14.         ----     ----
15.         1428A    ----

Impulse Activity
0. Klingon D7K maintains tractor link with Federation CARa+
   Klingon Tractor Beam: Range: 1, Power: 4, Strength: 4
   Federation CARa+ Negative Tractor: 3
   Tractor Link Maintained

   Klingon D7K rotates Federation CARa+ to 1428
1. Federation CARa+ fires Photon Torpedoes at Klingon D7K: B, C
      B: Range: 1, Roll: N/A, Damage: 12 (Overload, 6 point warhead)
         Feedback Damage to Federation CARa+: 2
      C: Range: 1, Roll: N/A, Damage: 12 (Overload, 6 point warhead)      
         Feedback Damage to Federation CARa+: 2
   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 1, 2, 5
      1: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
      2: Range: 1, Roll: 4, Damage: 4
      5: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
   Total Damage to Klingon D7K: 40
   Shield #1: 4 reinforcement: 1 Shield Damage, 35 Internals

   Internal Damage to Klingon D7K:
      1: Roll: 6, Col C, Lab
      2: Roll: 7, Col F, APR
      3: Roll: 8, Col B, APR
      4: Roll: 11, Col A, Torpedo (BOLD) Applied to Disruptor C
      5: Roll: 2, Col A, Bridge (BOLD)
      6: Roll: 12, Col A, Aux Con (BOLD)
      7: Roll: 3, Col A, Drone (BOLD) Applied to ADD Rack
      8: Roll: 6, Col C, Lab
      9: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
      10: Roll: 5, Col F, Torpedo (BOLD) Applied to Disruptor D
      11: Roll: 6, Col D, L Warp
      12: Roll: 5, Col G, L Warp
      13: Roll: 7, Col H, Phaser Applied to Phaser #1
      14: Roll: 7, Col H, Phaser Applied to Phaser #2
      15: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
      16: Roll: 6, Col D, L Warp
      17: Roll: 6, Col D, L Warp
      18: Roll: 5, Col G, L Warp
      19: Roll: 3, Col B, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #3
      20: Roll: 10, Col B, Tractor (BOLD)
      21: Roll: 5, Col G, L Warp
      22: Roll: 7, Col I, Any Warp Applied to R Warp
      23: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      24: Roll: 5, Col G, L Warp
      25: Roll: 5, Col G, L Warp
      26: Roll: 3, Col D, L Warp
      27: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      28: Roll: 11, Col D, R Warp
      29: Roll: 7, Col I, Any Warp Applied to R Warp
      30: Roll: 9, Col F, Drone (BOLD) Applied to Drone Rack #2
      31: Roll: 7, Col I, Any Warp Applied to R Warp
      32: Roll: 4, Col B, Trans (BOLD)
      33: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      34: Roll: 11, Col D, R Warp
      35: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp

   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 4
   Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 3 Shield Damage, 1 Internal (to be resolved later)

   Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: C
      C: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 8 (Overload)
   Klingon D7K fires Phaser-1’s at Federation CARa+: 1, 2, 3
      1: Range: 1, Roll: 6, Damage: 4
      2: Range: 1, Roll: 3, Damage: 5
      3: Range: 1, Roll: 6, Damage: 4
   Total Damage to Federation CARa+: 21
   Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 0 Shield Damage, 21 Internals

   Internal Damage to Federation CARa+
      1: Roll: 3, Col B, Phaser (BOLD) Applied to Phaser #5 
      2: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      3: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
      4: Roll: 9, Col A, L Warp (BOLD)
      5: Roll: 9, Col E, Lab
      6: Roll: 7, Col E, Shuttle
      7: Roll: 7, Col G, Lab
      8: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      9: Roll: 7, Col G, Lab
      10: Roll: 9, Col E, Lab
      11: Roll: 2, Col A, Bridge (BOLD)
      12: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      13: Roll: 2, Col C, Sensor (BOLD)
      14: Roll: 7, Col G, Lab
      15: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      16: Roll: 7, Col G, Lab
      17: Roll: 6, Col B, Impulse
      18: Roll: 7, Col G, Lab
      19: Roll: 5, Col F, Torpedo (BOLD) Applied to Photon B
      20: Roll: 6, Col D, L Warp
      21: Roll: 6, Col D, L Warp
      22: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
2. Federation CARa+ makes Warp Tactical Maneuver

   Federation CARa+ fires Phaser-1’s at Klingon D7K: 4
      4: Range: 1, Roll: 2, Damage: 7
   Shield #1: 0 reinforcement: 0 Shield Damage, 7 Internals

   Internal Damage to Klingon D7K
      1: Roll: 7, Col I, Any Warp Applied to R Warp
      2: Roll: 8, Col D, R Warp
      3: Roll: 5, Col A, R Warp (BOLD)
      4: Roll: 6, Col D, L Warp
      5: Roll: 3, Col D, L Warp
      6: Roll: 7, Col J, Probe
      7: Roll: 11, Col A, Torpedo (BOLD) Applied to Disruptor B

   Klingon D7K fires Disruptor Bolts at Federation CARa+: B
      B: Range: 1, Roll: 5, Damage: 8 (Overload)
   Shield #6: 0 reinforcement: 8 Shield Damage, 0 Internals
3. Federation Transmission:
   “Surrender your ship, prepare to be boarded.  I will spare your crew.”
4. Klingon D7K makes Warp Tactical Maneuver
15. Federation CARa+ makes Warp Tactical Maneuver

    Klingon D7K announces change to speed 2
Turn 7 Map:

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