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History of USS Iliad

Although relatively short, the history of the USS Iliad is already convoluted and involved.

To find out more about her history and various missions, see below


The USS Iliad was to be Captain Ilya Karasov's first command. However, the day before he could take command both he and Commander Nathan Hunter were arrested and put on trial for causing the destruction of the USS Pacifica. In order to prove their innocence, the ship was stolen by Karasov and Hunter.

Satarran Rescue

Following the destruction of USS Pacifica, the survivors were captured by the Satarrans and were used as slave workers on a planet orbiting the Satarran Homeworld. Word reached Starbase 32 and USS Iliad set off in attempt to rescue the prisoners as this was the best way of proving the innocence of Karasov and Hunter.

Valnarran First Contact

This should have been the inaugural "official" mission of USS Iliad and was a first contact mission with a race called the Valnarrans. Iliad's brief was to make contact, observe and report back to Starfleet Command.

Rescue from Cadai

Iliad becomes embroiled in an assassination attempt in an alternate universe, problem is that it is her captain's alter ego on whom the attempt is made and and Captain Karasov is the only many who can save his life. Captain Karasov is kidnapped and Iliad sets off on a rescue mission.