Alarmingly Strange Stories
In The Days Leading Up To
Dan Ericsson
Sometimes I wonder how many more inventions there can be. Maybe Edison and Da Vinci
thought the same thing. What if they had? I suppose the world would go on. What if I decided, "No, I'll watch
TV today"? Can any one person be better than any other person? Dire circumstances breed great men. If World
War II had happened in 1845, would Polk have decided to enter? Does every question have two answers? The definitive
answer, and an evasive question? . Page 4 Navigation:
Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: Why does it matter? What do you care?
Why do you ask that pondering existence is a bleak, boring job. I'm bored. "Once upon a time". Not that
I've heard that everybody wants to be famous. Except fugitives. Number Five on the Ten Most Wanted List is never
on Oprah, or releases a funk album.
I don't know. Edison was never on Oprah and never released a funk album. He was also never on the Ten Most Wanted
List. Sometimes I wonder what the future will be like. Page B-5; sunny, warm, high mid 80's. The future will be
the same as today, as the past. Somebody will solve the abortion issue, the losing side will clandestinely practice
their beliefs regardless, and life will go on. People will argue about something. States rights, nature vs. nurture,
Rolling Stones vs. Beatles, Jaywalking, life will go on.
I have dreams. I dreamt that I was walking down a dark street with my
brother. We both entered a bakery; a clock on the wall told us it was 11:48 PM. My brother asked for a glazed donut,
and, after receiving it, went outside and fell asleep in a big glass box. I asked for a donut.
"I'm sorry", said the cashier, "We're all out. We do", he said, furrowing his brow and pointing
just past twenty some odd donuts, "have an onion". He gestured toward one of the largest onions I had
ever seen in captivity. What this means, I don't know. I don't even like onions. Someone once told me you are what
you eat. I want to be a donut. Someone once told me that cannibalism is illegal, so none of us can be people.
I realize that I get on people's nerves. Mr. Nathan swore that I was "unfixable" and recommended that
everyone ignore any "problems". That's good. Isolate and seclude what you don't want to see. You're making
good money, Mr. Nathan. You're on my list.
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